The official names include "Intertrigo" or "Cutaneous Candidiasis" or "Dermatophytosis." Personally, I just call them the yeastie-beasties.....because they really can be a beast to deal with.
If you are young, maybe you haven't encountered these yet. I didn't have it very much in my younger years, but as I've aged, it's become more common, probably as my insulin resistance has increased with age and hormonal changes. Chances are that as you get older, you'll have a lovely encounter with it too, sooner or later. Supposedly a significant portion of the adult population has issues with skin yeast/fungal infections at any given time.
Who Gets Skin Yeast/Fungal Infections?
Of course, some people are simply more prone to skin yeast/fungal infections than others. This includes people who have been treated recently with antibiotics, those on corticosteroids like Prednisone, those on birth-control pills, fat folk, those who are immuno-compromised, and those with diabetes or significant insulin-resistance issues.
Interestingly, women who have had cesareans often find that their c-section scar suddenly becomes a magnet for skin yeast infections. Because of the way the surgeons fix things up after a cesarean, there is often an overhanging "flap" of skin and fat with a cesarean scar. Even skinny women often have this lovely "flap" or "shelf" after a cesarean, and as with fat women, this moist fold tends to promote yeast/fungal growth.
Anecdotally, there seems to be some extra vulnerability to yeast in the cesarean scar afterwards, for whatever reason. Women of varying sizes who never had issues with yeast before often experience skin yeast there afterwards, sometimes chronically. It can be one of the more frustrating small annoyances of having had a cesarean....and yet another reason to avoid an unnecessary cesarean.
And of course, after the birth (vaginal or cesarean), yeast can become a chronic problem for any mother and baby, especially if antibiotics were used during the birth. Oral thrush (in the baby's mouth) or yeast infections in the mother's nipples can be a painful and frustrating "welcome" to parenthood.
A Fat Person's Issue Only?
Yes, it does appear that "obese" people have more issues with skin yeast/fungal infections. This may simply be because many fat people have PCOS and/or strong insulin-resistance issues, but it may also be because skin folds tend to be warm, moist areas that promote fungal overgrowth. Likely, it's a combination of both.
On the other hand, it's a mistake to think that skin yeast only affects fat folk. Many people of average size struggle with it too, as I discovered through the birth community. It's just more talked about in the fat community.
Identifying a Skin Yeast Infection
So how do you know if you have a skin yeast/fungal infection?
If you get a nasty, intensely itchy (or burning) red rash, especially in the skin folds, this may be a skin yeast infection.
Although yeast infections are sort of a sub-type of fungal infections, for the purposes of this article we will consider the two together under the imperfect term of "skin yeast." When someone gets a red, itchy rash on the skin, it may have candida (yeast) involvement or other fungal involvement, or both.
Technically, the correct term for this is "Intertrigo," which simply means any skin rash of the body folds. This can involve yeast, it can be bacterial, it can be fungal, it can be viral.....it's any rash of the skin around the body folds.
But the general public is not usually familiar with the term "intertrigo" and it's not what would someone would search on when looking for this information. Therefore, it's probably best for us to use some other term.
Most people usually think of skin infections as "jock itch" or "athlete's foot," and usually think it's caused by yeast, even when it may actually be some other fungal (or something else entirely). Because it's popularly called skin yeast, that's what we'll call it here, even though it's not always yeast, or not always only yeast.
Still, it's important to note that some intertrigo is caused by candida (yeast), some is due to other fungi, some is both, and sometimes there are other causes as well. This may be why some of the popular remedies work better for some people than others; various remedies will no doubt work differently on different types of fungal infections or degree of yeast involvement.
What Are Skin Yeast/Fungal Infections Like?
At the top of this blog entry is a picture of a skin yeast infection, and other pictures of skin yeast infections can be found here and here. [These are not for the faint of heart, so be forewarned!]
Typical skin yeast infection locations include groin folds, under the breasts, in the armpits, in the belly button, under the belly, in the folds of the elbows and knees, between the toes, etc. "Athlete's Foot" and "Jock Itch" are usually skin yeast/fungal infections, as are dandruff and ringworm.
Wikipedia describes jock itch (tinea cruris) in the following oh-so-attractive way:
[Now, mind, there can be other reasons for itchy or burning rashes on the skin, so it's always good to have a rash checked out if you aren't sure. A few years ago I had a bad rash that I didn't get checked out becase I thought it was the world's worst case of yeast.....turns out it was shingles!!...yeowch!!! If I hadn't automatically attributed that burning/itching rash to skin yeast, I might have gotten into the doctor in time to be able to get an anti-viral that would have lessened my suffering. So don't hesitate to get it checked if you are unsure or if it seems worse than normal!]Affected areas may appear red, tan, or brown, with flaking, rippling, peeling, or cracking skin.
The acute infection begins with an area in the groin fold about a half-inch across, usually on both sides. The area may enlarge, and other sores may develop in no particular pattern. The rash appears as raised red plaques (platelike areas) and scaly patches with sharply defined borders that may blister and ooze.
If the rash advances, it usually advances down the inner thigh. The advancing edge is redder and more raised than areas that have been infected longer. The advancing edge is usually scaly, and very easily distinguished or well demarcated.
The skin within the border turns a reddish-brown and loses much of its scale. The border may exhibit tiny pimples or even pustules, with central areas that are reddish and dry with small scales.
If infected with candidal organisms, the rash tends to be redder and wetter.
Treatments for Skin Yeast Infections
If you have developed a skin yeast infection, you usually want immediate relief. Sometimes the infection is mild and just annoying, but usually it makes a person pretty uncomfortable. Some of the really bad ones can make you downright miserable, or even cause secondary bacterial infections which can become very serious. So what are your options for treatment?
There are many choices for skin yeast treatment, from the traditional medical approach to many folk remedies and "alternative" medicine options. What works for any one person varies a lot, so I have included a full range of choices so that you can experiment to see what works best for your body.
I put these together by listing all the treatments I personally had tried over the years (both successfully and unsuccessfully), as well as treatments others have said were effective for them (but I had never tried). Then I did a search about treatments that were recommended in various online sources and included many of those as well.
When people discuss what works for them for treating skin yeast, there is often a strong difference of opinion about the "best" treatments. I think this boils down to "Your Mileage May Vary"......that is, that various treatments vary in their efficacy for different people. This may simply be because different people have differing types of fungi affecting them, it may be because of subtle differences in body chemistry, or both.
I would also note that yeast/fungal strains can develop resistance to treatment over time. As a result, you may find that over time, the effectiveness of one type of treatment declines for you. Therefore, it's good to have multiple options in your arsenal and to switch them off occasionally. Keep experimenting, and keep mental notes on what works best for you.
Finally, a number of sources make the valuable point that it's important to continue treatment for skin yeast/fungus for quite a while after the symptoms disappear in order to fully extinguish the fungus. Discontinuing the treatment too soon may cause a cycle of recurrence.
Medical Disclaimers
Of course, any time you discuss stuff like this online, you have to include the obligatory medical disclaimer.
I'm not a doctor nor a healthcare professional. I have not personally tested out all of these, so I CANNOT attest to their safety or efficacy. Therefore I'm adding lots of caveats. Do further research about the safety of these possibilities, get medical advice as necessary, and go cautiously if you decide to try any.
This list is provided for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice; I assume no responsibility for any actions taken on your part. Consult your healthcare provider as needed, yadda yadda yadda.
Traditional Medical Treatments for Skin Yeast Infections
Traditional medical treatments include anti-yeast creams, like those used with a vaginal yeast infection. Other options include anti-fungal creams, powders and sprays used for athlete's foot and jock itch.
Some of the most commonly used anti-yeast meds include the "-azole" family of drugs (including miconazole/Micatin/Monistat Derm and clotrimazole/Lotrimin AF). Sometimes these are mixed with mild anti-steroidal creams for symptomatic relief of the itching while the anti-yeast drug works on the yeast. (Some people feel this addition is harmless, while others feel it can act as a "fertilizer" to the yeast.)
But how do these medications work? From http://firstaid.webmd.com/yeast-infection-skin-rash-treatment:
Nystatin is another common anti-fungal cream that is used. It is part of a group of drugs called "polyene antifungals." Again from http://firstaid.webmd.com/yeast-infection-skin-rash-treatment:Azole medications are a family of antifungal drugs that end in the suffix "-azole." They block the manufacture of ergosterol, a crucial material of the yeast cell wall. Without ergosterol, the yeast cell wall becomes leaky and the yeast die. Fortunately, ergosterol is not a component of human membranes, and azoles do not harm human cells.
An over-the-counter "antifungal cream" often used for athlete's foot or other skin yeasts is "Tolnaftate" cream, usually in the 1% strength. This same drug is often found in aerosol sprays for athlete's foot under brand names such as "Tinactin" or "Desenex."Polyene antifungal medications include nystatin and amphotericin B. Nystatin is used for thrush and superficial candidal infections. Doctors reserve amphotericin B for more serious systemic fungal infections. The antifungals work by attaching to the yeast cell wall building material, ergosterol. These medications then form artificial holes in the yeast wall that cause the yeast to leak and die.
Other drugs include Allylamines, which inhibit the enzyme required for ergosterol synthesis. Some of the more common ones include "terbinafine hydrochloride" under the brand name of Lamisil, naftifine (Naftin), and "butenafine hydrochloride" under the brand name of "Lotrimin Ultra."
Because all of these common anti-fungal products are made with different drugs and have slightly different mechanisms of action, it may be useful to occasionally switch off brand names and try a new product if the old one is not working as well as it used to. Also remember the importance of continuing to treat for a while after symptoms have subsided to prevent frequent recurrence.
If a healthcare provider suspects that a yeast infection has gone systemic, oral antifungals may be prescribed. Examples of oral antifungals include terbinafine (Lamisil), itraconazole (Sporanox), and fluconazole (Diflucan). However, oral anti-fungals can have severe side effects and anyone using them must be monitored carefully.
"Folk Remedies" for Treating Skin Yeast
Most people try the traditional yeast/fungal treatments first. For some, they work like a charm. For others, they are really not very effective.
Some people actually find better (and faster) relief with some of the so-called "folk remedies" or alternative treatments. Still others find the best results when combining traditional and folk/alternative treatments.
Here's a list of some of the most common and widely used "folk remedies" for skin yeast/fungal infections:
- Vinegar (usually white vinegar)
- Garlic paste (fresh-crushed garlic)
- Listerine (original formula, the yellow kind)
- Grapefruit Seed Extract (dilute before use!)
- Gentian Violet (will stain so use carefully)
- Tea Tree Oil (may sting if not diluted a bit)
- Probiotics (orally and also topically via the powder inside the capsules)
- Oil of Oregano (diluted)
- Oregon Grape Root extract
- Coconut Oil
- Baking Soda (may help lower the pH in the area)
- Plain yogurt with probiotics
- Lemon Grass
- Urine (soldiers with foot infections in the field were often told to pee on their feet)
- Aspirin dissolved in rubbing alcohol (used as a soak in the area)
- Vicks Vapo Rub
- Colloidal Silver
- Goldenseal
- Citronella Oil
- Orange Oil
- Onion extract
- Patchouli
- Lemon Myrtle
- Selenium and/or Zinc supplements
- Calendula with aloe vera gel
- Whitfield's Ointment (3% salicylic acid and 6% benzoic acid; can create a burning sensation)
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Epsom Salts
- Cod Liver Oil (applied topically)
Among alternative healthcare treatments for skin yeast/fungal infections, a surprising entry is acupuncture, which I personally have found very useful (to my great shock).
Naturopaths like to treat skin yeast/fungal infections by considering whether there is a candida (yeast) overgrowth problem internally as well as externally.
Although there are oral anti-fungal prescription meds, these can have toxic side effects and must be monitored carefully. Therefore, many naturopaths prefer to use herbs to treat suspected systemic yeast.
Some of the commonly used over-the-counter herbal formulas for systemic yeast issues include Candidastat and Candicyn. Any health food store will probably carry these products or other, similar brands.
An Ounce of Prevention
Better than trying to cure skin yeast, of course, is trying to prevent it in the first place, or at least trying to prevent it from becoming a chronic, recurring problem. This is particularly critical for those with diabetes or immunocompromised systems.
Hygiene Issues
Hygiene is an important part of preventing skin yeast from recurring. If you have a skin yeast infection, you need to change/wash everything that comes into direct contact with it, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
In other words, you need to change your bath towel/washcloth DAILY, change your bra/socks/underwear daily (duh), change your sleeping clothes, etc. Wash these items in vinegar and HOT water; with bleach if chronic yeast is a problem. Otherwise, you may be chronically re-infecting yourself each day.
Washing your body occasionally with an anti-dandruff shampoo may be useful for preventing recurrence in some people. Nizoral shampoo has ketoconazole (an -azole drug) in it, Selsun Blue has selenium in it, and Head and Shoulders and Pantene Pro V have zinc products in them.
Treating your sex partner for yeast/fungal infections may also be necessary. Many women chronically re-infect themselves with vaginal yeast infections because their partners unknowingly have been affected too but do not receive concurrent treatment.
Wearing fabrics that "breathe" better around areas that are prone to skin yeast may lower the rate of recurrence. Many women find they have less issues with vaginal and skin yeast when they wear cotton underwear, and people who suffer from chronic athlete's foot often find better results with cotton socks and leather shoes.
Swimming pools and public shower common areas are common sources for getting a fungal infection. Wear sandals or flip-flops when walking in these areas. Also, if you or another family member has experienced skin yeast/athlete's foot, be sure to disinfect your shower floor daily for a while.
Keeping the area dry is important in preventing recurrence. Some people find that using a blowdryer set to "cool" after every shower on areas that tend to get skin yeast is effective in lowering the rate of recurrence.
Every yeast resource out there will tell you to cut carbs if you are truly facing a problem with yeast overgrowth. Cutting down on simple carbs like sugar, white flours, fruit juices, etc. in particular may help some people, especially those with diabetes or strong insulin resistance, because the yeast needs sugars in order to grow. Cut out the food source and theoretically the yeast should die.
On the other hand, sometimes cutting carbs makes no difference whatsoever. It's something that should be considered and tried in order to rule it out, but the slavish overattention to carb consumption demonstrates how strongly some in the medical field (and especially in alternative medicine) believe that yeast is always a function of overeating, of overindulging in sugars and refined foods, of what they assume are weight-related behaviors. Their implication is that if you just wouldn't eat those foods, you'll never have a problem with yeast. Yeah, right.
For some people, cutting out/down carbs helps, so it's worth trying.....but it's by no means a sure cure or totally necessary in all cases, especially since "skin yeast" is caused by a number of different fungal organisms, not all of which are sensitive to carb intake.
Another nutritional recommendation often seen is to cut out foods that contain yeasts or fungi. This is another unproven but commonly seen recommendation. Like carbs, it can't hurt to try and see if it helps, but it is based more on assumptions and tradition than on proven fact at this point.
Preventive Powders and Creams
Some people swear by daily dusting with powders to prevent/reduce the incidence of skin yeast. This may work because it helps keep the area dryer.
Some strongly prefer baby powder (with its high degree of corn starch, which makes the skin feel less "sticky"); others contend that corn-starch powders actually ultimately feed yeast and make the problem more chronic.
Another option is medicated powders like Gold Bond Powder; these don't have corn starch but do have menthol and other active ingredients in them may discourage yeast/fungus. Zeasorb AF is another powder sometimes mentioned that is highly absorptive but doesn't contain corn starch.
Some people find that daily use of creams like Balmex or Desitin (zinc oxide paste) tends to discourage fungal infections. Others prefer daily application of vinegar, tea tree oil, or other anti-microbial/anti-fungal substances.
Other people swear by applying antiperspirant to areas prone to skin yeast. You don't want to do this while you are having a skin yeast outbreak so you don't infect your deodorant stick, but between outbreaks, reducing the amount of perspiration there may help lower the risk for recurrence. Or so the theory goes, anyhow.
Many people have an imbalance in their gut flora, especially after illness and antibiotic use. In some people this can become chronic.
The theory is that if you use antibiotics and kill off both the "good" and the "bad" bacteria, yeast organisms may take the opportunity to overgrow instead, causing a constant problem with yeast overgrowth.
Probiotics are "good" bacteria that help colonize your gut and re-establish a better balance between yeast, "good" bacteria, and "bad" bacteria. This may then help improve digestion, absorption of nutrients from food, and reduce external yeast/fungal infections as well.
What's Worked Best for Me
Years ago, I rarely suffered from skin yeast issues. However, as my insulin resistance has intensified over time with PCOS, it's become more of an issue. Also, as I've gone through childbirth and breastfeeding (and now perimenopause), the hormonal changes associated with these things seem to trigger more skin yeast/fungal infections. Many other women report similar struggles during times of significant hormonal changes.
So, as a result, I've tried a number of these cures. Now, I can't tell you what will work for you....I'm sure it depends on the type of intertrigo you have. Your fungal infection or degree/non-degree of yeast involvement may be different from mine.
Still, I can share what things have worked the best for me, with the caveat of course that Your Mileage May Vary and See Your Healthcare Provider and all that.
For daily prevention, I find Gold Bond medicated powder works much more effectively for me than baby powder. It doesn't prevent every outbreak, but it sure cuts down on them and makes me more comfortable too.
I find careful attention to hygiene is very important, especially clean towels and nightshirts every day during an outbreak. I also find that occasional prophylactic bouts of probiotics are very beneficial as well.
Although some people swear by vinegar for skin yeast issues, I've never found it useful. Nor have I found Tea Tree Oil helpful, nor garlic. However, enough people have found these useful that they probably would be worth trying.
I have a nurse-practitioner friend who swears by Grapefruit Seed Extract for oral thrush in babies and mamas. I never had thrush or yeast problems while breastfeeding so I've never had to test out this theory, but I've heard very good reports from other breastfeeding moms who have had issues with thrush.
For everyday skin yeast issues, I didn't find Grapefruit Seed Extract that useful, but I may not have used it correctly. I tried it topically (highly diluted) and didn't find it that effective. So I tried it again, less diluted.....no help. Then I tried it full-strength, directly on the skin. BIG MISTAKE!! (It didn't hurt at first but after a while, wow, did it hurt. So always dilute grapefruit seed extract!!!)
From what I read online, I think Grapefruit Seed Extract may be very helpful to some, especially breastfeeding moms with thrush issues, or women with lots of candida involvement in their intertrigo. But for me personally, so far it hasn't helped that much.
When I develop an actual outbreak, the first thing I try is Tinactin, the over-the-counter athlete's foot "powder" spray. I don't just use it for feet; I use it externally wherever I need it. That usually is enough to knock the intertrigo out.
If it's not enough, I will alternate it with [yellow] Listerine applied topically to the problem areas. This was surprisingly effective.
I have tried some of the other anti-fungal over-the-counter remedies.....Lotrimin and Lamisil, I believe. I didn't find them nearly as effective as Tinactin, at least for me personally. YMMV.
Tolnaftate cream (over-the-counter antifungal cream) has also been useful at times. I have never found the vaginal yeast creams (Monistat etc.) helpful at all for skin yeast, but the Tolnaftate anti-fungal skin cream has been.
When things are at their MOST itchy and miserable, I often find that probiotic powder (from the capsules) applied directly to the worst spots helps reduce the itch. It doesn't seem to "cure" anything, but it really does seem to help lessen the symptoms.
Surprisingly, acupuncture has been very effective for yeast issues for me. I don't use it as my only or main treatment for skin yeast/fungus, but if I have a very bad flare-up, acupuncture is one of the fastest and most effective ways of getting rid of the worst of the problem.
I don't find that it prevents recurrences very well, but it does seem to take all the "oomph" out of an outbreak pretty quickly. I still have to follow up with other treatments, but it can dramatically improve things for me pretty darn quickly. Lest you attribute this to a "placebo effect," I hasten to add that I was a total disbeliever that this would help.....but it's helped enough times now that I seek it out if I have a case that's not responding quickly to the usual treatments.
These are the things that seem to work best for me, personally. What works for others seems to be highly variable, so don't limit yourself only to these. Explore all your options, both traditional and "folk/alternative." See what works best for you. And don't be afraid to try new things, because sometimes you get a different fungal strain or your strain becomes resistant to treatment. Keep exploring your options, and keep notes on what seems to work.
If you are at higher risk for skin yeast issues (insulin resistance, recent antibiotics, steroid use, diabetes, etc.), then it probably behooves you to be especially vigilant about preventing skin yeast issues, or being very proactive about treating them sooner than later if they do occur.
However, don't feel bad if you get skin yeast issues. Most people, fat or not, have a bout with it sooner or later in their lives. It can cause a lot of misery, so don't be shy about getting out there and getting some treatment.
What works best for prevention and treatment varies in each individual. Some folks do great with traditional medical treatments; some do better with "alternative" treatments. It's helpful to explore a variety of choices to see what works best for YOU.
For some people, treatment X works like a charm, while in others it doesn't help at all. Sometimes treatment X works well for a while and then suddenly doesn't work as well, so it's good to have an arsenal of choices available to you.
If you have a favorite skin yeast treatment that's not listed above, please feel free to share it in the comments section. Or you can share which treatment has been most effective for you.
Skin yeast is an annoyance for many many people of size, and often for people of average size too. It's good to know the variety of treatments and preventive methods available to you.
FWIW, my hubby has struggled with skin yeast for-freakin'-evah and he is NOT obese. BTW, thank you for this post. Now I have some new ideas for the war on yeasts!
FYI, I added a link to this from my post on how I manage these sorts of infections. It's been one of the more popular posts on my site, and you cover the topic in much more depth than I (I mostly focused what works for me, mostly baby powder as preventative and Lotramin when needed.)
Interesting! This is probably TMI, but I've had a recurrent small rash I get right outside my vulva, on my top inner thigh. It's just on one side, and it nearly always happens if I go to bed after having sex, without showering, or if I'm having a lot of discharge. I haven't really bothered to look into it because it will go away after a day or less. I've been assuming it had something to do with moisture, but now I'm betting it's yeast.
If it happens a lot after sex but not at other times, perhaps it's your partner that's infecting you? Maybe your partner needs treatment too?
Just a thought.
Oh wow- this is such great info! Thank you for the post. Our little guy suffered from severe Eczema and we sought the opinions of many people in many professions including a woman who said it was candida on his skin. It was severe Eczema and for some reason, was very bothersome to him based on his diet. We know he has food allergies, but it seemed as though everything we gave him caused problems. We finally put him on the kids chewable probiotic from Vidazorb and it has been an answer to prayer! He is dramatically better :) YAY! I love probiotics and really believe they can help with so many conditions like these and keep our bodies balanced!
What a great post! Sychronistic too, considering that just yesterday I started investigating fungal infection as a possible reason for my cracking heels. The OTC creams are crazy expensive so I'm looking into homeopathics.
I've heard apple cider vinegar works better than white; especially for the types of fungus that cause dandruff on the head. I've also heard of people spraying Tilex Mildew cleaner on their feet for athletes foot, but that sounds pretty scary for anywhere other than the feet!
Just as an FYI, essential oils in general shouldn't be applied undiluted to the skin, especially in a spot where it can't evaporate effectively (skin folds, under tight clothing, etc.). The usual dilution ratio for topical applications is at least 1:4 (one part essential oil to four parts carrier oil) but those with sensitive skin or applying to sensitive spots will want to do 1:6. Neem oil is a great carrier oil since it penetrates very well, but unless you live in Australia it means ordering online. Coconut oil is also excellent, but really you can just as easily use olive oil to dilute it if you're not storing it long-term.
Also, like you said in your post, any treatment should be twice a day for at least four weeks, to keep it from coming back.
Wow, what a thorough article! I will definitely pass this info on to my girl friends. I was interested to read about your using probiotic powder directly on the rash, and it alleviating the itch. Have you tried taking the capsules internally for a a few months combined with a Candida-cleanse type diet? My Dad is on this diet - it involves eliminating food that encourages the growth of Candida albicans in the body such as sugars, flour etc. Candida is naturally present in our bodies (yeasts only account for about 1% of the microbes in our bodies), but any kind of imbalance of too much yeast can trigger reactions like vaginal yeast infections, rashes, thrush in the mouth etc. I've heard great success stories from people taking probiotics regularly and putting their yeast balance back to normal. Probiotics compete for space with other microbes (including yeasts) and so helps keep everything balanced. There are a lot of different products out there - sometimes it takes some experimenting to find the one that works for you.
- Anna M
HEY Lady...just found your blog for some reason but hurray!!!
Great to see you sharing your talents and amazing brain!!
Deb Thornton
This is such an informative article, it's really good to know all that is written here. Thank you!
Diflucan (fluconazole) changed my life.
I was put on Diflucan for three weeks (same prescribing they give to breastfeeding women with yeast infection in their breast).
I was a new women, all types of yeast rashes and symptoms went away. I now take a probiotic daily.
If i get it under my arms periodically, I use "Zeasorb" the antifungal powder and that seems to keep it away.
BTW/ It's very common on the skin in tropical climates, not just use who have folds ;p
Thanks for the brillant post !
I had yeast infection that became systemic and it ended up being the most trying and complicated of medical issues I have ever had. It stemmed from using antibx to get rid of my baby's pink eye that led to thrush, cracked nipples, then mastitis, then more antibx, more thrush, etc. It was a vicious cycle that just kept going. The yeast started in/on my breasts, but ended up everywhere. I had it in my nose, my ears, eyes, my fingernails, vagina...my baby had it in her armpits, behind her ears, diaper area, mouth. Everytime I nursed it burned like crazy, and I itched everywhere! We (my midwife and I) did just about everything on your list and some of that's not, and finally, to keep someone from dying, we did a Diflucan bomb. She was very hesitant to do Diflucan, but we were THAT desparate and, after 7 months, at the end of our ropes. The Diflucan ended it just like that. Stay on top of yeast, it can become so much more than what most people expect. Get help if you need it. The whole experience would have killed a lesser person.
My Aunt had brown spots come up on her back no itching or burning no symptoms other than spreading unsightly brown spots. The dermatologist told her it was a yeast infection and that the yeast actually roost in your hair at night and them migrate down her shin from there he prescribed timber-lotion and told her to use it for a year or it would come back she didn't and it came back then she did what he said and it was gone for good. I lived to see my son get consumed by the crap.He is a vegetarian high pasta grain diet guy who to make matters worse has a phobia about sleeping half naked he would never go to be in just a tank and shorts he would sleep fully dressed under the covers like he had a fear of having to run off from a fire naked or something.He is 6'4 280lbs. This same yeast infection starting in the scalp area then traveling to his neck down his back and finally to his groin. I came by and seen this and went ballistic no itch no burn so whats the problem was his motto and he didn't believe me when I told him it was yeast infection so ignoring it has led to hair loss and embarrassment for him now he is wigging out. He has no insurance and has lost his job do to company shut down he is 22 years old and dermatologists and prescriptions are high. Thanks for the blog I will go straight for the Listerine, vinegar, and aspirin dissolved in alcohol. I hope to see this work if not we will be going 128 miles after stopping at the pawn shop if the Doc will even see him because the uninsured to some med. professionals are unacceptables. Thanks for the insight and ideas. Oh yea with this case changing bad eating habits and controlling OCD-naked phobia will probably be the underlying solution to preventing re-occurrence.
Boy, I needed to read this. I have thought for months that I have a yeast infection in my 2 yo c-section scar, and today, it was confirmed. Dr. put me on Nystatin powder. Thing is, I began realizing, I have had anal itching I thought was associated with hemorrhoids for over a year, and I have athletes foot that is not responding to nystatin cream. I think I'm covered up with yeast! ARGH!
Thank you for posting this information, it was very helpful. I am young and in good shape and couldn't understand why everything I am reading on intertrigo says the individuals afflicted are 'fat'.
My dermatologist suggested some things to try however I usually go the homeopathic route. I did not know about changing towels every day though. Thank you again.
thanks for this post. for my similar issues I swear by a epsom salt bath for immediate relief and miconazole mixed with a little desitin for treatment. I am going to try the gold bond for preventative.
one question - this may not be big girl related but I seem to get recurrent UTI's (symptom free) while pregnant - any way prevent these?
I am in the throes of a skin issue right now....of course, I have PCOS / severe insulin resistance (if not Type 2 diabetes)/ obesity / perimenopause, etc., etc. So, I have several contributing factors. The itching is driving me out of my mind. I am doing the spray, the gold bond powder, the oral probiotics, yogurt, I took a round of diflucan. I am still itching, although it has gone down some. I am going to try the listerine. I appreciate the information. When this first started up a few weeks ago, I put Vagisil on it and that cream made it so much worse. So, I would caution all of you not to use it for a yeast problem.
Thank you so much for this post, I have been searching the internet to try and self diagnose this awful rash under my left breast. I suspect it is a skin yeast infection, I have had similar rashes in the skin fold where my C-section scar is too. You have included more information here than any other site I have visited, including WebMD. I went out and got the tinactin spray and just applied the first application. I hope it works as well for me. I found the link to your blog in a post on the VBAC support board on BBC. Big thanks again to you and to the person who posted the link.
Thank you for this post. My husband has had intertrigo for years and has been using Zeasorb daily for the past 9 years, which helps a lot. But I'm concerned because I recently learned that Zeasorb contains acrylamide which has been shown to be cancer causing in animal studies - especially testicular cancer, and has been shown to affect sperm. I called to company to find out how much acrylamide the product has, and they did not have any information. Does anyone have information on the safety of Zeasorb? Thanks.
Gosh, thanks for this - wish I'd found it sooner. Had jock itch in and around the groin over this last winter - what finally worked was clotrimazole cream (Canesten, the special athletes' foot version, not the vaginal thrush version, which for some reason didn't seem to work as well) every day for a few weeks, plus giving up wearing panties under my nightclothes (except during periods) and panty liners during the day. Had tried various anti-itching creams, as well as tea tree wipes, but they didn't do a lot of good. I'm maybe 180-200 (guesstimated by my dress size as it's a long time since I've been on a pair of scales), no blood sugar/hormone issues but a history of various fungal things since I was young - terrible dandruff as a kid, athletes' foot most summers. Changing what I eat seems not to affect it, but my dad suffered horrible athletes' foot so maybe it's genetic, who knows?
Thanks for your suggestions. I am a PCOS patient too and I have been struggling with Candida and MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) issues for many years now. I am near highest weight, but have had many skin issues over the years despite my weight. It is awful feeling when your own sweat makes you feel bad! What works best for my breast/underarm intertrigo issues is eating garlic or yogurt/Kefir and the most relieving thing is applying coconut oil although it is pretty greasy and will probably stain. I don't use synthetic fragrances or their products and try to avoid them in general which means staying away from other people who use them. Just wondering if any others have fragrance or sensitivity issues as well? And kudos to you for saying hey, it's okay to be overweight and come and go as you are!
I also have persistent Intertrigo from Candida yeast. FLUCONAZOLE (Diflucan) has also CHANGED MY LIFE! After suffering in silence for three years and trying everything to doctor it myself, I finally went to a dermatologist for help. Now, it's so easy to manage... IF I start a flare, I just start taking the oral Fluconazole (very inexpensive prescription) for for 5-7 days and I'm set. I also use a topical OINTMENT (again, prescription strength)for the itching and burning rather than a cream as it STAYS ON much better. AND, your prevention tips are fab! ...the blowdryer and fan are my buddies :P
Your post has been soooo informative for me and given me some ideas. I have been suffering with this recurrent skin yeast infection in the creases of my thighs for over a year. Before that, I never had this problem; it's become very frustrating and the visual is not very attractive. I'm guessing this sudden over abundance of yeast is due to the fact that I am perimenopausal (not really lovin' this meno thing!) And just to make my life more interesting (NOT!) I'm currently suffering from a vaginal yeast infection as well and am using Monistat-3 for relief. You have given me a wealth of information!! I'm a big girl and work out regularly, but I keep myself as dry as possible or else I'm miserable. I think I will probably buy stock in Gold Bond, which works wonders at keeping me dry and less irritated. I have tried the Miconazole externally, which is not that good, and topical steroids, which have only worked temporarily. After reading your blog, I'm gonna' try the Tolnaftate cream and see how it works.
I had my c-section 11 years ago. Not until about the last year have I had the lovely infection on one side of the scar. That side of the scar became infected 2 days after the surgery. I had to go back in and have the stiches removed and replaced due to the infection. I stayed 2 days for antibiotics. That side is the only area of my body where it happens.
So so glad to see this post. I'm at the low end of obese, insulin resistant (no idea to what degree, but probably mild, since my fasting glucose has always been normal) and recently developed ringworm! It's not in any folds, but started on my belly and has spread a bit to my side, one arm, and the back of one thigh. I finally saw a doctor (when my new insurance kicked in) and he gave me a definite diagnosis and prescribed a clotrimazole and betamethoasone dipropionate lotion (anti-fungal + anti-inflamitory).
Luckily, I had a guess at what it was, and had started using Lamisil a few weeks before, but it spread anyway because I didn't think to change my sheets/towels as regularly as I should have been. The prescription cream seems to be working quickly, though!
Thanks for all your great ideas. Just sent hubby off to get some supplies.....am going crazy with itching....my doc recommends Lever2000 soap,Gold bond and hair dryer
Hi there. I successfully solved my 7+ years problem with intertrigo using kefir. My serious problem zones were (yay! I get to say it in the past tense!) always my armpits and "legpits" as I call them: inner upper thighs, *impossible* to keep dry -- I'm a US expat living in tropical West Africa and I typically sweat a lot on a daily basis. I found this site less than a year ago, though, and I tried some of the recommendations. I would like to report back on what helped! Topical coconut oil with turmeric powder was temporarily effective but stained clothing like crazy. Gentian violet was also temporarily effective, and also stained clothing like crazy. I then found out about probiotics about 3 months ago, got some kefir grains 2 months ago, and a month ago it occurred to me, why not try them topically? So I did! The kefir did the job inside of a week, more like three days. My armpits look normal again. My "legpits" are no longer red-rash-looking, no itching, nothing. All I did was take a tablespoon or less of the kefir grains mixed with the yogurt-like kefiran, smeared it on and left it on overnight, washed it off in the morning. I think what it does is crowd out the bad bacteria/yeasts with a diverse population of body-friendly bacterias and yeasts. I like drinking kefir, but this use is awesome and saved me from trying antibiotics again. So I wanted to share my success, and I hope this helps someone else solve their problem too. P.S. I'm submitting this a second time because it never showed up in the comments. Moderator, I am a real person :-) It was back at the start of September I first submitted this, and the good results have held so I am hoping you will give my post the ok.
I have chemical "sensitivities"...more like chemical intollerance. I have estrogen dominance and have had to remove chemical estrogens and natural estrogens from my life. This is my first bought with a yeast problem in the breast area. I thought it waa more ofa heat rash and eventually went to the doc cuz the itching drove me to. I was prescribed a steriod cream...I specifically asked the pharmacist about the ingredients in thw base and I hoped for the best BUT like usual I had a reaction so now I am here looking for a natural cure as I am also breastfeeding and my son and I both have exzamah....I will be ordering more progesterone oil from the doc I found on-line, tweeking my diet again, sorting through soaps and lotions again double checking and wash, wash, washing more and using vinegar as posted here. Wonderful info so thankful to have come across this.
The key here is the Candida diet! If you get yeast infections or rashes all the time, these are only small symptoms of what is going on. Doctors tend to only treat the symptoms and never the cause. The cause is candida overgrowth. Mine shows up on my skin, ugh, it's so annoying! I'm going to start the diet soon, I'm taking probiotics, Candidastat, and rubbing a natural anti fungal on my rash for now. It's helping a little but not a lot. The itchy is killing me!! I wanted to wait to start the diet until after xmas, for obvious reasons. But I really need to get my skin in check, it's making me nuts! I appreciate your post and I'll definitely be trying some of the natural things on here. But remember it's all about diet people! You need to kill the yeast in your system first. Thank you!!
Just an FYI I decided to try the APPLE CIDER VINEGAR both topically & ingested and IT WORKS PERFECTLY!
Without changing my diet at all I was able to go from a burnt, excruciatingly painful Yeast issues under my stomach, in my belly button & creases of my legs (pelvic region).
I drink 2 tbsp in a mug of hot water with a tsp of lemon juice twice a day- or if I'm out and about or dont feel like a hot drink I shoot back the 2 tbsp of apple cider and follow with some water or milk.
In conjunction I wash twice a day with apple cider/water in a spray bottle, I also use this in the shower and NO other soaps. It took one month & my rashes had gone from blood red & irritated to a light pink-
But a warning- if you have OPEN wounds (such as a split in the skin) .. heal it with ointment and start your acv treatment. I used sudo cream (baby section at walmart) and it will heal an open wound over night..
ACV also takes away heart burn & stomach acid... You may feel a tummy ache when you use it for a half hour- similar to coconut oil, it is fighting the yeast & can have a detox feel at times. dont worry!
My maintenance plan is 2 tbsp once a day of ACV & I still wash with it every day!! Life is different now thanks to pure acv..
give it a try :)
I take great care on my hygine for my hysterectomy tummy flap and occasionally use powder and even tinactin when it gets a little red (not often). I started swimming at the YMCA and I have a really nasty red, itchy rash in the fold and near my anus. I am planning on seeing my PCP ASAP to diagnose yeast, bacteria or whatever. My question is this; should I discontinue swimming daily until it is in check? Am I contagious?
You are an absolute lifesaver!! I rather spontaneously developed intertrigo under both arms at once, for the first time ever, and I was in absolute agony! I tried tea tree oil and all other sorts of silliness, without an idea of what the problem was, but it didn't help.
I went to the doctor after a couple weeks as was sent away with a vague diagnosis of "infection" and a tube of anti-fungal cream. Even that seemed useless, and I continued moping around in pain all day. A couple days ago, however, I did a bit of research and discovered the real problem, and from there I found this site. I've been using the Tinactin in conjunction with the Nystatin the doctor gave me and, while I'm not yet completely itch-free, I'm feeling SO much better than before, nearly human again!
Thank you so much for the information, keep up the wonderful work.
Holy moley, this blog post has saved my sanity. I was about to try to get an appointment with my doctor, but it's always pretty hard to get in there, and in the meantime the itching was driving me bonkers. In just four days it had spread and worsened from mild itching of a small patch on one of my boobs to insane itching in both armpits, under both boobs, and all the way from my underbelly down and around up to my rear end. It sure felt like a yeast infection, but I didn't know you could get them just on the skin, I haven't taken antibiotics lately, and the spot where it started threw me off. Thank you for helping me figure it out once and for all. Some Lotrimin cream, a can of Tinactin powder spray, a package of acidophilus pills, and a day later, and I'm feeling MUCH better already. Thank you SO much for this resource!
Thank you so much for this article, it is the most informative, concise and practical post I have come across and I know it has helped me to overcome this issue (and I am sure many others too). It has also put my mind at ease as to why I was getting these all the time since giving birth to my Son via caesarean. Thanks again :)
Thanks for this great information. I am suffering with a skin rash and I wasn't sure what it is so I tried Neosporin and psoriasis cream but it only helps a little and the rash still there....I had this same rash before and I had a prescription cream during that time and when I ran out, I dumped it in the trash without writing the name of the cream. I googled and I think I found it, it is called Clobestasol although I maybe 90% sure this is the one, this cream was effective and the rash went away, now my rash is back and same area around the belly button. When It itches and I can't help but to scratch it..I finally made an appointment to a dermatologist and see what the doctor can prescribe me, I could mention that cream I had before..I will find out in a few days.
Thank you for good information, it was very helpful. I'm not obese, but I have skin fold on the bottom of my belly after hysterectomy. Never had yeast infection before, but this year I got it from nowhere. It is so frustrated. After your post I feel more comfortable. Today my problem gone and I'm so happy. Thank you!
Wow! Looks as though you've scoured the web for all the relevant information and included it on your blog! Nice job! I am a cyclist, and I had (still have but improving in leaps and bounds) a bad case of yeastie beastie on my feet. Left foot is terrible looking. I tried all the drug store ointments with poor to worsening results (including Tinacton). None of them worked at all. At this point I still thought I had athletes foot (but none on the toes) just on the top of my foot. Desperate for improvement I went to see a dermatologist. He took a scrape sample and sent it to the lab. Also, at this point I was developing a patch under my breast also (where I wear my heart rate monitor - fwiw I'm male). The results were "pseudohyphae candida". He told me the treatment was the same as for athletes foot and prescribed Oxystat ointment. He also said if that didn't work to come back for an oral medication prescription. Now here's where my saving moment came. As I was looking over all the information on Candida yeast, I was quick to learning that it loved to get into places on the skin (and drill small holes) where it is DARK, MOIST, and where the skin is irritated because of rubbing or friction against something. BINGO! My my moist feet in the dark in my cycling shoes! Rubbing and friction - heart rate monitor, shoes, backpack (irritation under strap area). Problem solved right! Well just start riding the bike barefoot right? Maybe, but there was one other HUGE risk factor that my dermatologist FAILED to tell me about: SUGAR and COMPLEX CARBS!! I had been sucking down ounces of honey going on my bike rides, in addition to eating 4 to 5 bananas, 3 - 4 apples, grapes all the same day. I was doing the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a fire while trying to put it out with water. YEAST THRIVES ON SUGAR. So I cut the complex carbs and carbs by about 80% and BINGO - yeast funeral. The problems are quickly resolving. Cut of the food source and the yeast overgrowth flame is completely extinguished.
That does work for some people. For others, not as well. Worth trying to see if you are one it helps, but it doesn't make a difference for everyone.
A chronic case usually means you have yeast overgrowth internally too. There are some supplements out there that can help deal with internal yeast and flora imbalances, which can be helpful to those with chronic cases.
I have had an itch for almost two weeks now. The itch is on my back and front...but no rash, no bug bites, no nothing. Except as my roommate said...scratchmarks. Chop sticks feel great but can damage skin apparently. The nurse practitioner said it was contact dermatitis and I should change my detergent. Uh..did that. I'm a nurse too. Changed my shampoo and body wash to sensitive. Nothing helped. Now I'm thinking it's a fungal infection of some sort. Yesterday I used some nystatin powder. No itch. Tried more today. No itch. Hmmmm....Fantastic article and it also suggests that I'm not crazy. I'm going to buy some of the products listed and try them since my nystatin supply is limited. If necessary,I'll go back and educate the nurse practitioner! Thank you!
I developed a fungal infection that spread from my legs to my stomach to my arm pits. For 2 months I have been battling this and finally at my wits end I tried melaluca, which is similar to tea tree oil (but I tried tea tree and didn't get the same results). Within one day it stopped weeping and today one week later it is almost completely gone. I was going crazy with the itching and seeping. It was to the place where it would make my pants wet and look like I had an accident. I was putting socks in my underwater for an extra barrier. I had tried exposing the infection to the sun, changing my diet, prescription topical creams, lotrimin, blow drying it to dry it up, probiotics, yogurt, apple cider vinegar baths, and apple cider vinegar tablets. Mentally it was exhausting and physically it was torture. That's why I couldn't believe the melaluca oil worked so fast. I don't know that it will help everyone and I paired it with a hydrochloride cream for the itching, but its worth trying!
I've recently been dealing with rashes around the bra area. Just today found a webpage detailing a class action lawsuit against Victorias Secret, alleging their bras were causing bad rashes from *formaldehyde* in the material they used. !! I bought a couple of their bras in the spring. An underwire in one came out and tore a gash in my skin, and not long after that the rashes got started. Went to cotton bras only. Tried Cortizone 10 on the rashes today and it burned so badly I had to shower it off. I'm ready to go see a doctor for this it's been going on so long. No health insurance *sigh*
For 20+years, I struggled with systemic candida. ..'found out I had type 1 diabetes much too late, but it explained an awful lot about
the chronic candida problem.
Being in the Natural Health field,
I had tried every herb,homeopath
ic remedy, and dietary change th
at I could think of to no avail.
Though logically I knew that
probiotics help, the result seemed to only create"die off" symptoms...until I discovered Saccharomyces Boulardii. Wow! This combined with a Paleo diet for 3 months has kept me Candida free for 9 years now. I do take Probiotics every day as well. I highly encourage any person with chronic yeast issues to give Saccharomyces Boulardii and the Paleo diet a try for 3 months. It might seem difficult at first but it is worth it to be free of this insidious problem.
I used white vinegar for the itch. It stings when you put it on but within a couple minutes, the itch is completely gone. I also made a very strong tea of whole cloves, oregano, and thyme. I've been putting that on a few times a day and the rash has cleared up immensely in just one day. I can definitely see that it's helping. Hope this post helps someone else!
37years (!) after a Csection, too much tum and now type2 diabetes, my first bout of yeast rash was most unwelcome and not something I want repeated. Prevention always being better than cure, my solution does not involve creams or powders, no change of diet, etc. A small cotton towelette tucked under the tum keeps me dry and rash-free. Works a treat for me. Not the smallest red spot since.
What an awesome blog! Two years ago I developed a spot of ringworm after I came back from a trip to Haiti. Since then I've had ongoing issues with yeast related rashes in other areas since then. This gives me so much info to annihilate my issues. Thanks!
Thanks for the great post.....some really good info here. I've had more than my share of skin issues in different spots, always the result of something foreign entering my body....several from mosquito bites and the latest after a fall scraped a knuckle and some infection was introduced. Was also told that falls sometime shake things up all over, which is why so many people have problems after a fall. Look forward to more posts along this line.
I have been suffering and struggling with skin yeast for over a year. Redness, burning, crazy itching and I have tried so many things to try to get even the smallest amount of relief to no avail. I've done powders, creams, ointments. I tried both vaginal and foot fungus creams, antibiotic ointment, foot powder, Gold Bond, Hydrogen Peroxide and none of them helped. The Gold Bond would help only a little but the foot fungus and vaginal yeast treatments actually seemed to make it worse! Then after cringing at the idea and thinking home remedies were hogwash, I broke down and grabbed my vinegar. I couldn't believe it! Instantly the redness went down, the itching soothed and I felt relief!
I allowed the area to dry, used some more Gold Bond powder to keep it dry and went about my day. I got home that evening and was amazed at how I wasn't plagued with intense itching. I examined the area, the redness had still not returned to what I had been used to seeing, it was pale pink and there was no itching at all!
Again I applied the vinegar, allowed that application to dry, more powder and put on my clean bed clothes. In the morning, still pink, still no itching.
Suffice to say, I was pleasantly surprised and convinced. Something so simple, so basic as household white vinegar would be so effective.
Thank you!
Try probiotics too. Get some in capsule form from the supermarket, open the capsules, and put it on the rash. It's a really good temporary help with the itching and can tone down the rash infection a lot so it can be treated with other means.
I've suffered with now for 10 years but the last few weeks under just one breast has got really bad with weeping and peeling. Just had to send my partner out to get me some powder as the cream I use isn't touching it at all. What I'm hating is the horrendous itching! It's driving me insane.
I have used an amazing product called Squeaky Cheeks, it is the absolute best!!! almost immediate pain relief and the redness and swelling were gone in a few hours. I used to chafe and get issues in the down under area all summer. I use this stuff everyday and literally have been without ANY issues since I started using it. www.squeakycheeks.com
The best thing i have found when i have an outbreak is prescribed medication cream called silver sulfadiazine 1 percent. But you do need a script from your Dr. My outbreak is cleared up in. 3 days or less. And preventive is the use of gold bond soothing triple action powder. Thanks so much for your info. on the other preventives....
I have this problem but I don't think mine is at the fungal stage as it is completely flat, no raised blisters or anything. I have it in my stomach folds and it is worse lately because I'm exercising to control my diabetes but I can't get rid of my belly overnight! It is very bothersome. I have found a temporary way to keep it dry is to tuck a washcloth to absorb moisture and it works but it's not like i'm leaving the house like that. They used nystatin powder in the hospital and that worked well. Thanks for the info.
Oh, my, how wonderful to know that I am not alone! I experience a increasingly red, and I mean fire engine red rash under my breast, in my genital area and this month, under my arm, but always on one side only. It starts with irritation and after three days, it reaches a fever pitch - so painful it cannot be touched! And then, miraculously, I wake up on the fourth morning and it is gone. Period has come and all that's left is skin that sheds, as if it has been burnt.
My doctor says it sounds like it happens on one side because that is the side that the egg dropped. This seems logical to me as the only time I get the rash is after ovulation.
Does anyone, anywhere, experience this, too?!?
Lahorton, I would suggest your problem is bacterial. I've had BOTH before and attempting to treat bacterial infection with antifungal will not work and sometimes make it worse.
What are the signs that your skin yeast infection is healing?
Thank you!
great blog, Nystatin powder has always worked great for me, but with the loss of my benefits I have been looking for options, other than one script for $608. Thanks for all the advice--mine is always heat related, groin/thigh crease and sweaty underwear. Thanks for the new great ideas about towels, nightshirts and some of the homeopathic options. I am only a Mama of furry children, but this blog is a favorite now. Such a great amount of info!!
LJ in Denver
A good sign that things are starting to heal is when you are not having any itching or burning anymore. Then the rash will start to decrease and dry up. However, every individual is different in how they present so their healing will be different too. YMMV.
I have an on-going problem with intertrigo, since I've "blossomed" in recent years. Now that I have started to be more active, I need some suggestions for something to keep me fresh, besides gold bond. I like it, but I was wondering. What do you think about some type of cotton or cloth for folds for added security against smell?
Many people find it useful to have a cotton cloth in between "folds" to help absorb moisture. However, it would be an easy source of re-infection if you're not careful. I don't think it helps potential smell much but you may have a different experience. Use what works for you.
I would emphasize healing the problem first and then using the cloth as more of a preventative.
Hi All Sufferers,
As a skin care formulator, I was natural from the very beginning. AVOID REFINED SUGAR, NO SUGAR, DO NOT EAT SUGAR OR SWEETS. This disturbs the natural pH of the body. Half & Half: organic apple cider vinegar with mother/raw organic honey mixed together and taken 3 times a day in a glass of warm water will help alkalize the body. ACV bath helps. Food grade hydrogen peroxide adds oxygen so skin heals faster. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer as it naturally anti-fungal. The best essential oil in the world in helichrysum, it fixes everything, very expensive though. Hope this helps everyone!
Skincerely, Patricia at agsoaps.com
Just Another Idea, I have also struggled with this for as long as I can remember (as much of my family does). A year ago I began routinely using a mineral stone from the health food store (the deoderant section). Applied after showering/bathing to areas regularly having the possibility of an issue. No outbreaks in year (which is awesome), except twice - terrible instances, once when I was unable to apply for a time and bedridden/sick, the other initiated last week when after having been at a beach, had to walk a distance, was unable to take normal measures or properly rid myself of sand/sweat/salt water/etc. had to ride in vehicle for 18 hrs. These last unusual circumstances have created an acute reaction which led my to finding this site. I appreciate the information!! Do try the stone, as it is natural, just rub on when wet, very economical, preventive, and has been effective for me (WHEN USED). As mentioned in other comments - not an acute flare treatment and would not want to reinfect.
I'm really surprised you did not mention lactobacillus acidophilus for thrush. I used this when I was breast feeding and it knocked out the thrush very quickly. It is available at most health food stores. Also i use clotrimazole cream as a preventative on the areas that are prone to skin yeast infections. works very well for me.
I did. See "probiotics" above. Lactobacillus acidophilus is just one type of probiotic.
If you are large-breasted and have a persistent rash beneath your breasts - which I did for five years - I have found amazing relief by wearing a BreastComfort double sling. IT's an extremely soft cushion with wicking and antimicrobial fabric which elevates the skin so it doesn't rub against itself. I have no need for cortisone creams or lotions any longer. I feel so blessed to have found this product.
I have lost weight recently and have some hanging stomach fat, yes many of us do. When I get an outbreak of the rash I immediately take a warm bath in apple cider vinegar, dry with a cool blow dryer, use Gold Bond powder,(which has menthol in it) and then later after a few hours and the itching has subsided a bit, and the powder is usually gone, I apply, BLUE STAR OINTMENT. I have used this treatment many times, even when I had large breast. I have had a breast reduction (no problem there now) and now if I get a rash it is in the fold of the tummy fat that hangs. Wish I could get that fixed but hey we aren't all wealthy. The BLUE STAR OINTMENT, sold OTC is in a blue and white box can be a life changer. It was and is for me. Because it is an ointment it works better than a cream and stays on better. It will burn at first, but no pain, no gain. That is over quickly. It penetrates and protects, has an anti-itch formula, hydrocortisone free, steroid free. It provides relief for dry, cracked skin, insect bits, sweaty , itchy feet, and skin irritations (like the rash from the yeast). The active ingredient is 1.24% Camphor. Other ingredients are benzoic acid, lanolin oil, methyl salicylate , mineral oil, petrolatum, salicylic acid, and aloe vera. It is used for relief of pain and itching associated with athletes' foot, jock itch, ringworm, insect bits, eczema, and dry and cracked skin. Can apply 3 to 4 times a day. I swear by it. Give it a few days and you will see relief, at least I do. I keep it in stock in my medicine cabinet. I live in a very humid climate and also have just taken a round of steroids from my Dr. for inflammation in the hand joint. After that the yeast infection hit the tummy area. It started in my navel. I took the ACV baths, and used the BLUE STAR OINTMENT, VERY REASONABLLY PRICE, AT THE DRUGSTORE, ONE 2 OZ. JAR LAST A LONG TIME)AND IT IS ALREADY IN TWO DAYS GOING AWAY! I THINK YOU SHOULD GIVE IT A TRY. YES THERE IS A BURN BUT THAT IS OVER SO FAST! That has been my solution for a long time, especially when I had large hanging breast. I truly hope you will post this as BLUE STAR OINTMENT has not been mentioned in your article. I told a friend my remedy and she tried it for her breast area and also got results. I also drink 2 TBS of Apple cider vinegar PLUS 2 TSP. LEMON JUICE 2X'S DAY. I believe the steroid treatment triggered this and that is why when I use BLUE STAR OINTMENT, which is steroid free, it helps me. I have a hard time taking any steroid meds. Please allow my comment as I feel it could truly help those who are suffering. Your site helped me to realize that I myself can learn even more. I did not think about washing my gowns, towels, and sheets, and undergarments daily in vinegar and hot water, BUT I WILL NOW! THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL INFORMATION. BLESS YOU.
Having had under-breast problems for years, I found remarkable relief by wearing a BreastComfort Sling - an extremely soft cushion with wicking fabric which elevates the breast to keep the irritated skin from reinfecting itself. I wear it as often as I can, particularly when I sleep. I no longer have itching or burning beneath my breasts and I've been able to dispense with cortisone creams and lotions entirely. Even hot flashes are no longer a threat. I can't recommend it enough!
I've suffered chronic yeast problems for 5 or 6 years now. I've taken probiotics faithfully twice a day, taken a million salt baths, used several otc and prescription powders, and now have to take diflucan weekly for what appears to be the rest of my life. I did a 6 month course of it a few years ago but everything came back a few months after I finished the course. When i stay on them they do work for me.
Currently I'm very sick and on antibiotics and prednisone and I am having a severe skin outbreak. I smell and I'm RAW even right after I shower. I will definitely be trying more of these options because this is unbearable and embarassing.
My breakouts usually come and go without any treatment necessary but my last breakout got out of control. I found a homeopathic treatment called emuaid online (emuaid.com.) They give a description of all the ingredients. It stopped the itching immediately and within a couple of weeks the whole area was almost completely healed. It comes in the form of an ointment and they also carry a soap. It was a little pricey but It was worth the cost because the area healed fast.
Just a couple more suggestions to add to this most informative article. Coating the affected area in corn starch helps to alleviate a lot of the burning/itching that accompanies the rash. It is a little messy, but I've found that I can live with that. Also, (sounds strange but works) , crumple up standard coffee filters and wear them next to the affected area. This keeps most of the moisture down which in turn keeps the symptoms from driving you crazy. Neither of these are a cure, however, sometimes a little relief is what is needed until a visit to the physician or finding a cure is possible.
Thank you SO much for taking the time to do research on several skin fungal treatments. I'm 24, slightly obese 195-200lbs with PCOS & Fibromyalgia, and on top of the health issues, I live in a hot tropical climate. Needless to say I battle an almost constant skin yeast infection under my tummy. Right now none of the RX creams are working, I've been on acidophilus tablets for a month and it's helped some but I'm still suffering. I'm going to try the ACV and get some gold bond powder. Thank you also to the commenters as well, this blog makes me feel like this yeast crap might be a plague to deal with, but I'm not alone anymore! :)
Bree, you are certainly not alone. Many people have this issue, in all different weights and climates.
When there's a frequent or almost continuous skin yeast issue, you might need treat systemically.
If you are interested, there are some herb supplements you can try to see if that will balance things out internally along with the acidophilus. Or if you get really desperate you can ask your doctor about a prescription anti-fungal. Doing an anti-candida diet helps some people, and acupuncture can also help (though it may worsen symptoms for a day or two before it helps get rid of them). It's really a matter of experimenting and finding what works for YOU.
Best wishes. Hope you get some relief soon.
Oh my God, thank you for this. I've been dealing with this horrible condition for over ten years and I've always been so ashamed. :( I'm obese and a type 2 diabetic to boot - double whammy.
For me, drying the area out actually makes it worse - it burns SO badly I start crying. I was in a bind during my last attack, it had been a while so I had nothing in the house to help. But I got the bright idea to try something called triamcinolone acetonide ointment - it was actually prescribed for me for rosecea of all things - but it's a skin cream and it calms redness so if it works on my face, it should work there as well, right?
It did. And it worked FAST. I'd say within 10 minutes or so.
Just throwing out another possible option.
Thank you SO MUCH for calling attention to this. Sometimes I feel like the only one.
Hi, thanks for all the info. I've been dealing with with this rash for about a month now. Two doctors looked at it (2!) and I did everything they said. Epsom salt bath, diaper rash cream, baby powder, then cornstarch Gold Bond Baby powder, probiotics, Vagisil anti-chafing cream, and even straight aloe (front the plant). It goes away and then comes back with a vengeance.
Also, I'm pregnant. So underwear, moisture, have also been contributing/exacerbating the problem.
Should I call a doctor again? What remedies are safest to use when pregnant? Your blog has been very informative, thank you!
Anti fungal shampoo works as best anti fungal agent
Virkon-S > immediate relief.
I have this problem in the fold over my C-section scar.
I use an alternative deodorant on my scar every day in the shower. It's a stone that you wet and then rub on your skin. It was recommended to a family member as an underarm deodorant for use after breast cancer.
My experience is that it is also an excellent prevention for skin yeast infection.
I recently bought a different brand and I got the worst yeast rash I have ever had. (Which is what lead me to this website in search of ways to alleviate without seeing a doctor.)
The one that I find effective is called "Crystal." Here's a link to the product:
not sure if i have a yeast infection or not. the crease at the top of my legs feels sticky even after i have washed and dried it there is a a smell that i mostly notice when i wake up not a bad smell, not fishy. what does anyone think it is?
Hi! I found this page a couple weeks ago as I was trying to find a home treatment for intertrigo. As a large busted woman who lives in a hot climate, I have to be quite careful of not getting "the girls" too hot. After some trial and error with some of your suggestions, I found the one that works for me. First off, I washed the area three times a day with antibacterial soap. I would follow that up with a salve I made of coconut oil and garlic oil (tbsp of the former with a tsp of the latter.) Once that soaked in, a heavy dusting of Goldbond powder. I noticed a difference the very next day and it was almost completely gone by the third day. Thank you so much for your article. It got me thinking outside of the box and I didn't have to make a trip to the doctor. Love your page!
Thanks for all the ideas. I have tried lots of them over the years. I have a persistent, recurring fungal skin infection which I believe started as ringworm which I caught from a neighbor's cat years ago. Back then, it took me several months to realize what I had was ringworm, and it cleared up easily with an OTC cream but keeps coming back time after time.
Fast forward 20 or 30 years,I am now 50 and going through menopause. In addition to big hormonal changes, night sweats are a huge problem for me. In my sleep, I get major hot flashes, which cause me to sweat profusely and become cold -- then, (still in my sleep) I curl/scrunch up for warmth. The sweat becomes trapped in the folds of my neck (created by scrunching up my shoulders to stay warm). I now have trouble with this ringworm/fungus/yeast/whatever growing around the creases of my neck and at the nape of my neck in the hairline, which is another spot where moisture becomes trapped when I scrunch up my shoulders. I also have a bad case of dandruff, which I never had before.
I am about to go to the dermatologist over this, as nothing completely clears it up. I have tried Braggs AC vinegar, tea tree oil, Nizoral and four other dandruff shampoos, a carb-free diet, diluted bleach (I know this is a bad idea but I was desperate), and just about every anti-fungal cream on the market. While the creams help with the itching, they just hold the moisture on my skin and the fungus seems to get worse after a day or two.
I have had the most luck using Desenex athletes foot powder (contains miconozole) all over my neck several times a day, and changing my clothes, towels and pillowcases every day, and washing them in hot water with bleach. This clears up the fungus but it always returns. I hope the dermatologist can help me out more permanently.
Thanks for all the ideas and help from the author and everyone else. It's great we can all help each other get rid of this nasty stuff! I hope everyone finds something that works for them! So far, the natural cures and OTCs help to some degree but are not curing the fungus completely.
Very helpful. Thanks so much!
For me coconut oil cut out ringworm faster than the ointment. Got sick of waiting for it to go away then tried virgin coconut oil and it got better in two days and was gone by the third.
I have autoimmune diseases and had bad yeast smells and infection on a c-section scar ever since I was cut open, going on 7 years of suffering. None of the Doctors' meds ever made much of a difference. Just thick wetness, horrible sticky weeping, awful smells, and an itch that was unbelievable. I was told by more than 1 Dr. to wash with Dial gold, let dry with a fan, not to powder and use brown Listerine on the weeping sore and the meds they prescribed. Eventually, the old liver didn't want to keep processing the meds without fighting me back. So I did my own research and found my miracle. Hibiclens! I buy a small bottle at WalMart, follow the directions and just wow! No weeping, odor immediately gone, and the thick crusty red sore was gone in less than 3 days WITHOUT taking those prescriptions, OTC antifungals and antibiotics. I was shocked! As long as thing stay clean and dry, all is well. If it tries to come back, I clean it again with Hibiclens once and I am back in business! PS the pharmacist at WalMart asked why I was getting it and he laughed and agreed it should work well. If you try it, read the directions and keep it away from your eyes and mouth. Also, I used it on what looked like ringworm on my husband's scalp and it was gone overnight. He had gotten a head shave at the barber's and then broke out. I keep his hair cut at home now and no more issues.
The Anti Fungal Cream did the most work, but the GSE was also very important because it really kept the skin flakiness from coming back and made the renewal of skin more bearable.Kiss Fungi-Gone Anti-fungal Treatment Review
Thank you so much for this blog post! I went searching desperately yesterday morning because I had been dealing with this issue for a few weeks off and on but in the last couple weeks and especially the last week it had become unbearable. I had tried Lotrimin cream because I had read elsewhere that it could be a fungal thing and it hadn't helped at all. After reading your post I went and got some Tenactin spray and cream and used those yesterday. This morning I was 10 thousand times better! Thank you SO much!
Being very large-breasted and living a good part of the year in a hot climate, I suffered for years from a persistent rash beneath my breasts. The problem comes from moisture that accumulates from perspiration and just can't evaporate. Once I began to have hot flashes, I initiated a very serious search on the web for products that would give me some relief. I finally found a product that has changed my life. It's a sling with very soft cushions that are worn beneath the breast. I no longer have any itching or burning; I have no further need for cortisone creams or lotions. The cushions keep the areas dry at night and allow the healing to begin. An added advantage is they are incredibly comfortable to wear. Finally - relief!
Candida diets and at home remedies are limited in their removal before it comes back. You can't be cured until every trace of the candida is removed from your body. Even when the "die off" symptoms happen you still have traces of it in your system. When the candida die off occurs this is when the remaining candida makes you crave more carbs and sweets. Most cures do little in treating and when you stop the candida comes back immediately. One positive resource I've come across to help people with these candida overgrowth problems was the information from http://candidanomore.info/ and has helped people become free of their long term candida overgrowth problems.
you sacrifice some credibility by referring to over weight people as "fat people" over and over. You might have salvaged some respect by drawing the possible correlation between people who tend to carry extra weight and a higher sugar and processed food based diet. Also, the number one best way to kill candida is raw garlic taken orally. If you really knew what you were talking about that would have been at the very top of your list.
Pink, you sacrificed far more credibility by not reading the "terminology" page before you spouted off about the topic. "Fat" is a term of empowerment, and "overweight" most assuredly is not. You get to choose the term you prefer in your own life, but I get to choose what terms I use on this blog, and you certainly don't get to police that. Read the terminology page to deepen your understanding.
You also make a lot of assumptions about what higher-weight people eat, typical of people with a lot of weight bias. You might want to re-think your assumptions.
BTW, I regularly eat raw garlic, grown at home in my own garden, and I've never seen it affect candida. I would not doubt that it can affect it for some, so thank you for sharing your suggestion (which is the only reason I even let your rude comment appear). You seem to have missed a main point in my post, which is that different people respond differently to these "cures" and that what works for one may well not work for another, or even in the same person on a different bout. It's important to have many tools in the toolbox, so I have included your suggestion too, but it certainly won't work for all.
I suggest that you change the tone of your comments if you plan on commenting on my or other people's blogs in the future. Rudeness is not acceptable.
So eloquently handled. It's just amazing how so much criticism stems from people who obviously didn't take the time to read your blog thoroughly and yet condemn a blogger who is providing such valuable information for so many people. It makes me respect and admire your intent even more!
Well Rounded Mama:
Love the info you have collected and presented! Thank you for offering so very many options, I have a yeast rash all over my 'underbelly' where my c-section scars overlap. (Belly overlaps too...ugh... and for many years, simply using deodorant was a beautiful preventative. I discovered this after a horrid summer of excessive sweating in my new sub-tropical south texas home. That was a good ten years ago.)
I am going to try an application of kefiram. And maybe some ACV with the 'mother'. I take both daily, and have had shingles for several months due to super high emotional stress. I think my body, which is now sweating me thru perimenopause in the most wretched way, is simply over loaded right now...
Anywho... listen, I am very impressed with how you handled a very rude 'commenter'. I was already adding your site to my arsenal, but decided to also say... hey, keep up the good work. I highly respect what you are doing and the manner in which you present your accumulated information, and am just really pleased to see how diplomatically you handle rude people. God Bless and PLEASE keep up the good work!
P.S. I will let ya'll know how my yeasty beasties go runnin!
I'm at my wits end right now.
I've had a fungal infection in my armpits, groin, bellybutton and under my breasts for years in various intensities. At one point in time, I made it go almost completely away with anti-perspirant only, but it wasn't very bad at that time.
About 2 years ago, I started on a version of the Paleo diet, which meant no sugar except for 86% dark chocolate and whatever is naturally occurring in whole fruit. I gave up soft drinks. The fungus almost went away except for a little patch on my right groin which was very small and mild.
I had gone on the Paleo diet to get healthy enough to take care of my mom. Then she died. About 4 months later, I had a bad craving for red velvet cake, so I made one and ate it. Then the fungus which I thought had all but gone away came roaring back even worse than it ever was before!! It still remains today, one year later.
I tried all the OTC -azole products with little effect. I also retried antiperspirant. Not working this time.
Then I started on (and am still using) coconut oil! It has helped the most, and the areas are lighter pink now than the usual flaming red as before. But the itch is still there and I still have to apply it twice a day to keep it under semi-control. It's still there though.
I asked my dermatologist for an anti-fungal pill but she refuses to give it. So I will give these suggestions a try. I'm most interested in trying the topical Kefir since the CO worked so well (better than any OTC anti-fungal).
I believe at least in my case that sugar in my diet is the big factor. It has to be, going by my history. I love the stuff but it hates me. Right now I'm trying to find a really good probiotic. The drinks aren't strong enough. I'm on Dr. Ophira's probiotic right now and it's already cleared up a boil that popped up out of the blue. Nothing else helped it but after 2 doses of the probiotic it started going away. It's not made any difference in my fungal infection though. Not yet. But I have noticed that when I take it, I don't have anywhere near the sugar cravings I usually have. I think this is the key. Thank you for this article!
I'm currently living in Djibouti and taking doxy as a malaria prophylaxis, which probably explains why I ended up with some manner of critter growing on my skin. That's never happened to me before, but when I googled the symptoms, this site popped up. Since it takes a few weeks for things to ship here, I decided to try some of the home remedies you mentioned...because waiting would have been miserable! I had probiotics and 'Natural' Listerine (not the yellow Listerine recommended, but I figured it was worth a try; antiseptic + yeast killing organism makes sense after all). Within 36 hours, the 3" of painful redness on each side of my naval was gone, and my naval was 50% better! Within a few more days, I was 99% set. Since I knew what I was looking for after that, everyvtime I saw slight redness or felt itchiness developing (neck, bend of the arms and legs, etc) I started applying the cure to the new location, and it worked wonderfully! A couple days ago I thought I might be alright, but after 24 hours without a listerine/probiotic application, my red, painful naval was back. Clearly I'm going to have to stop the doxy and fix the havoc it wreaked in my intestines (and consequently the rest of my body), but in the meantime, I'm so grateful for the information you provided! These weeks of waiting for a traditional treatment to arrive would have otherwise been miserable! Thank you! Valerie H
I have battled recurrent UTIs for forever. There is an OTC product named Cystex that has an analgesic and antibiotic combination that has been very helpful! I have found it at Walmart and CVS. (2 tablets 3 times a day).
Hygiene is extremely important. Washing before and after sex can help a lot. It dampens the spontaneity and after glow, but also can prevent the pain and discomfort.
I take 4 extra strength Cranberry tablets everyday, and more during a flare up. It makes the lining of the bladder inhospitable to the bacteria. Doctors and urologists are finally admitting this works.
Lastly when you urinate, wait before you wipe. When you think your bladder is empty, try again, and maybe again. You will be surprised at how much urine you don't eliminate. Old urine is a breeding ground for bacteria.
Just in the past year, I have had had two separate incidences of bilateral inguinal rashes. Most recently my doctor diagnosed this as a yeast infection. These areas burn and hurt more than itch, especially if clothing rubs the area. It seems that near constant moisture and chafing causesd this in my case. While it was rather embarrassing, I'm glad I was able to find out what the problem was. I will try some of the remedies described in these messages for any future issues.
Dear Well-Rounded Mama,
I was so very happy to find your blog last week! I had been on a course of Prednisone, which had caused my blood sugars to go way out of control. Next thing I know I have a raging yeast infection under my breasts. I usually keep any moisture issues under control with daily use of Gold Bond Powder, but there was no way I could go anywhere near that mess with the powder. I am trying Tinactin and it seems to be resolving the issue - slowly but surely. Thank you for your personal research and detailed post!
Please do try using the BreatComfort slings. They are immensely helpful in reducing accumulated or eliminating rashes and fungi that are the result of accumulated moisture. All this without having to resort to medication! They are the best!
I found your article to be both informative and yet slightly offensive. You seem to have a degree of dislike for overweight/obese persons and are rather comfortable using the term 'fat people' a lot. I've never been one for political correctness, but the medical term is preferred, as this reader/commenter is someone you would quickly lump into your 'fat' category.
That being said and now out of the way.......let me tell you what has worked for me and what hasn't over the years that I have combated Cutaneous Candida. I've tried just about every diaper rash ointment on the store shelf to no avail. I've tried Gold Bond Medicated body powder, all it did was burn and make the itching worse.
I have become somewhat well versed in what you refer to as 'so called folk remedies', and have found they work far better. I have recently formulated an herb infused oil blend that I apply to the area at least 3 times a day. It immediately stops the stinging, it helps heal cracked skin overnight, it immediately eliminates the unpleasant odor that often accompanies Cutaneous Candida. I make the oil myself with only a few easy to find ingredients: Organic EVOO, Organic EV Sunflower oil, dried Calendula petals, freshly peeled orange zest, and 2 essential oils which are superb for healing the skin.
Anyone interested in exact ingredients, proportions, and directions - feel free to email me.
Sonja, read the Terminology section in the Pages Menu Bar above. I deliberately use the term "fat" because I find it far less offensive than official medical terms like "overweight" (over arbitrarily selected guidelines that many bodies are never able to meet no matter how hard they work) and "obese" (which originates from the Latin and roughly translates to "that has eaten itself fat" and which makes typical assumptions about our habits). There's more to it than that, so please do read the Terminology page for an in-depth discussion of my terminology choices.
I do not hold fat people in disdain at all, especially since I am one of them. Indeed, I work very hard for to further health for people of size and I've spent more than 20 years pointing out weight bias in medical care and suggesting ways to improve care for us, which you would know if you had explored the blog at all.
The "o" terms accepted by the medical establishment are offensive and perpetuate weight-based stereotypes. This is a fat-acceptance blog and we have reclaimed the term "fat" as a term of empowerment or simple description rather than one of condemnation. You are free to use whatever terms you prefer, but this is my space, so I use the terms I find most apt. I would encourage you to learn more about fat acceptance, body positivity, and the Health At Every Size movement.
Thank you for sharing what has worked for you in the past for skin yeast. It sounds like an interesting mix. I'd encourage you to share more details about your blend here.
well, well-rounded-mama, I did not go in search of a 'fat acceptance' website, so the idea of telling me to "read the terminology section" is pointless. I was doing a web search for cutaneous candida and this article was one of many results.
If anyone reads my original comment and is interested in the oil blend I formulated to deal with candida, they can email me if they want more info about it.
Sonja, I'm sure you were searching on cutaneous candida instead of fat acceptance, but you're the one who brought up terminology so of course I responded to your concern. You certainly don't have to go read the terminology page if you don't want to, but I'd encourage others to read it if they are curious about why I use the terms I do. The words we choose are important and I have chosen mine with care and deliberation.
Thanks, Well-Rounded Mama! Your space, your terms, nobody else's beeswax. I am Her Royal Grandma Fatness. And happy to be happy as a fatty. I have found MCT oil to work better than coconut oil (which I do use everyday, internally and externally). I douse unscented baby wipes in ACV, cleanse the area with a wipe then apply MCT oil (liquid in bottle, NOW brand at health food store, food grade quality but kept in bathroom in generic squeeze condiment container) with my hand in a food handler disposable glove, (500 for $5 at Sam's) which I change between locations if more than one hot spot to avoid xferring germs. Even consistent no sugar, grains or starches, hot spots occur. This eases the pain, lubricates and heals all at the same time for me. Hope it helps someone. Godspeed your journey!
Thank you for your support, Elaine!
I got that ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar, but what does MCT oil stand for?
Hidy...anytime at all. All that pc you got me over your own personal barrel of stupid chaps my hide.
MCT, medium chain triglycerides (triglycerides are fatty acids), the capric, caprylic and caproic fatty acids out of coconut oil. It does not solidify at 72° like coconut oil (cco). It's industrially processed by fractionating cco so some consider it "unnatural" since it doesn't exist as just these three fatty acids in nature. The lauric acid in cco is solid at about 72. Medium chain fatty acids contain between 6 and 12 carbon chains.
They are:
C6 – Caproic Acid
C8 - Caprylic Acid
C10 – Capric Acid
C12 – Lauric Acid.
Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid, making it nature’s richest source of lauric acid.
Breast milk is a significant source of lauric acid, so humans definitely benefit from it.
A lot of body builders use MCT in their shakes as a source of energy.
MCT (the oil or cco) go straight to the liver for distribution and is considered helpful in weight loss.
I hope my splain is not too detailed. I like details. Hahaha
I have found a cream that is mild but works fast, the sale a foot cream at the dollar tree that is for athletes feet. If I find I'm getting the rash I put it on after a bath and I've dried off well. It's mild but works!
I pretty much never comment online, but just wanted to show my appreciation to you. Please ignore the people that come on here slamming the terminology you use - while I am actually a medical doctor, I couldn't agree more with the rationale for the terminology you use. Plus - it's your space! I wanted to see if there were other suggestions to offer patients in this position.
Keep up the good work.
I have a question about this yeast infection that is constantly reoccurring. I am currently not on a probiotic and just got a prescription for the Nystatin Powder and it seems to be helping. My question is I love to drink beer, usually every evening after work I have maybe 4-5 beers, I'm not an alcoholic by no means, I just love to relax and love the taste of beer before my evening meal. I know beer is made with yeast so would my yeast problem be coming from my consuming beer on a daily basis? I am an older female (just turned 50) and always had yeast infection from antibiotics when I was younger to the point of I am now allergic to Diflucan among other medications I am now allergic to. A few days before my breakout I notice I have tingling all over my body as if it is shingles, although I've never had shingles. And I am very tired and fatigue and feel awful for a few days. Can this also be associated with a yeast overgrowth in my body. I need help PLEASE!!!!
Hidy, Babs...have you tried l-lysine for the shingles? It comes in various strength capsules...usu taken 500 mg every several hours up to 3000mg daily when fighting active case...there is an l-lysine cream at most health food stores for direct application in addition to taking internally. Certainly don't take it if you are allergic to it or have a heart condition.
Olive leaf extract, liquid or capsules with standardized oleuropein content of at least 20-25% (300mg of oleuropein). Take on an empty stomach at least 20 minutes before food or two hours after food for maximum effect;also apply directly to lesions. In all my reading, I have never read of an adverse reaction to olive leaf extract.
Vit B-12, the methylcobalamin version, sublingual is best absorbed.
I did not read all the great comments so I hope I am not repeating something. Pleaae keep in mind that intertrigo is not always yeast or fungal related. It may start that way but can lead to bacterial overgrowth. Generally you can tell pretty easily by odor. Yeast/fungal cause generally has a vinegar-type odor but if it is bacterial, either primary or secondary, you will know. You will want to run away from yourself., ot is that foul and sour. My internist and I have been through this many times. He recommends Hibiclens for skin cleansing, especially whem bacteria are present. For it to work you should leave it on for about 5 minutes and then rinse, pat dry and use a blow dryer on cool to fully dry (or stand in front of a tower fan). There is another miracle product called Burow's solution which you dilute according to packagr directions and apply as a compress for 15 minutes a few times a day. Yes, it is a pain to have to repeatedly dry everything but the Burow's will help dry up the more moist intertrigo episdes. The whole thing is a royal pain, literally and figuratively. I am dealing with a BAD episode now and feel and look like someone poured boiling water on me and then rubbed in some ground glass. Yes, it hurts that much. Lotrimin powder spray can help keep things calm, once the problem is cleared up. Just today I read about a few new products.
First, use a non-rinse cleanser such as Bedside Care Foam Bedside - Care Easi Cleanse Bath. Dry as usual. Then apply a textile called InterDry Ag to the skin fold, leaving 2" of the textile hanging past the area to keep dry to aid in wicking away moisture. I would add that this last product has silver in it as a healing agent so you need to check with your doctor before using it, but it is available OTC on Amazon. It works for 5 days and can be removed for bathing and reapplied. You just meaure under the skin fold, allowing extra for wicking as mentioned. This product with silver is NOT for use on open skin but sounds like a great preventative. There is marvelous skin care info on the Coloplast website. Then there is a company named Pambra which has washable under breast and under tummy cotton liners. There is a list of suppliers on the website.
Topical antifungals mentioned were Micro-Guarc powder and Baza Antifungal cream. I would heartily recommend that you NOT use anything with cortisone unless recommended by your doctor. It is known that cortisone can make yeast infections worse. I would also second not using cornstarch as it is dessert to yeast. Thanks for a great post.
Please do consider using the BreastComfort slings. They are specifically designed to aid in easing and deterring skin irritations such as intertrigo They keep the areas dry and free from skin to skin abrasion. Women who wear the slings with regularity, especially at night, usually find they have begun healing almost immediately and can dispense with creams and other medication.
I have to be very careful on what I use as I have been on a blood thinner(Xarelto) for 3 yrs now. Any suggestions from the reviewers would be very helpful & appreciated. I am female & over weight. I have gained weight because of this damned Xarelto I am on. The Dr. put me on it because I had A-Fib twice. I am also on Sotolol(beta-blocker) for BP. Which have later found out that both was caused by an anxiety attack. I was on heavy doses of antibiotics about a year ago. And had this out of control groin yeast inf. A friend told me to use Neosporin & it made it worse! I have tried(Dr. prescribed) Nystatin Ointment.(100,000 USP Nystatin Units) And that doesn't help either. I am at my wits end at this point! I am a 78 y.o. female.
I answered above but it's worth repeating. If the problem is under your breasts I have seen so many reports about women who use the ComfortSlings to control rashes - and worse. They swear they find relief almost instantly and are usually able to stop using topical medications. I agree! It worked beautifully for me!
I have found that coconut oil works better than any of the other natural antifungals. I actually use MCT oil which is the main ingredient in coconut oil that is an antifungal. I ingest this as well (not more than 1 TB as it is very potent) because it is an excellent energy source and really encourages the body to start burning fat.
I had intertrigo under my breasts - I tried tea tree ointment to no avail. What finally worked was two weeks of wearing arm and hammer antipersperant under my breasts along with panty liners tucked into my bra to absorb moisture. I did not feel very glamorous during this time and I do not like to use anti-persperant in general but this did the trick to clear it up.
Tolnaftate spray, white can, brown cap, 1.00 at Dollar Tree. Stuff is amazing. Sprays on powder with that drug in it. Dries it ip, stops itching.
I have hyperhydrosis so my skin rashes stem from that (excessive sweating).
Over the counter stuff has never worked other then to give a little bit of relief from itching. I like the more natural route so this is what works for me, like a charm!
coconut oil, grapefruit seed oil & tea tree oil. I apply morning and night on the rash. If it starts to itch during the day I apply a dab of coconut oil followed by the tea tree oil (instant relief).
I drink a hot cup of apple cider vinegar in the evening before bed (2 tablespoons of the organic ACV with the mother).
1-2 capsules of Pau d'Arco inner bark.
Doing the above routine, the rash is typically cleared up within a few days.
Also, Usnea is known to fight candida skin yeast as well (haven't tried it yet but currently have some infusing and will try when it's done).
Thanks for all the remedies I'll give them a try!! And just FYI I have tried the white vinegar and it actually works pretty good but not sure if anybody else mentioned that it BURNS LIKE A MOFO to the point I frigging thought I was going to pass out!! Unfortunately I'm just not brave enough to apply it again!! But I wish somebody would have warned me!! Lol������
Lots of great info! You may want to do away with the 'fat folk', comment...it is an unnecessary and ignorant comment used, with such a well informed post. FYI...no I am not what you would call a 'fat folk' (5'4 female, size 2)...but you may want to educate yourself on that subject, to learn that most 'fat folk', don't eat twinkies all day. It's just another battling disorder of the metabolism / endocrine system. A post with intelligence and ignorance all in one...Wow!
Actually, you might want to take the time to read more of the blog before rushing to judgment so that you could see that your comment is unwarranted. You might particularly want to read the "terminology" part of the blog.
"Fat" is not a four-letter word, and it is a word that has been reclaimed by many larger people as their preferred description of themselves. It's simply a description, not a judgment. How sad that people of all sizes hear it as a disparagement when it really is not. Many of us view it as a word of empowerment instead.
Being fat myself, I am well aware that many fat folk don't eat twinkies all day; I certainly don't. In fact, many of us do indeed battle disorders of the metabolism/endocrine system. Personally, I have hypothyroidism, PCOS, and lipedema, so I am well aware that there are biological causes for being fat. If you read more of my blog you would know that I write about the biological basis for fatness frequently and campaign against weight stigma and bias of all kinds.
Sadly, you have internalized the prevalent societal message that "fat" is bad, and therefore assume that use of the word "fat" is also bad. Fat is not bad, either as a state of physical being or as a terminology. In this situation, "fat" is simply a neutral term of a physical description, not a judgment of character or a put-down at all.
For years I have dreaded the coming of summer due to the inevitable intertrigo I would suffer with beneath my breasts. The itchy, scaly, red and painful rash would last for weeks at a time and usually recur until the weather again became cool. I tried all kind of creams, powders, even prescription medicine and it would get better only to come right back because of the perspiration beneath my breasts. I saw what other women had written about Comfort slings and decided to try them. Once I got the infection/rash under control, they have kept me completely rash free. They are soft and comfortable and keep the area from rubbing and/or sweating. I even sleep in the comfort sling at night. They are worth every penny. I don't ever want to be without these slings and recommend them highly to anyone who has had problems with the skin under their breasts.
Thank you so much for your post!...and to all those who have given advise. Glad I found this Blog!!!
I used the vinegar and it worked like a charm. Can't thank you for posting the info.
Thank you so much for a comprehensive article on this - I've been searching for days. While it is generally unclear why some products and methods work for some and not others -- this has been very helpful. Thank you - signed in Misery. (And WAY TO GO on the "PINK" comment)
I would have to start out saying, I've had these same skin issues. They are from a underlying condition called Candida. I have been treating the Candida for 3 years, with diet that contains no sugar,no yeast,no processed foods,and at the beginning I didn't even take in any natural sugars. This means I only ate veggies,eggs,beans and that's about it for the first year and a half. Then I was finally able to eat natural sugars such as: fruits, some carbs, the good kind. While I was doing this I was detoxing, I took several different cleanses too many to mention, they all did make me feel much better. Just when I think I'm to the end of it, after three years I break out in another rash. I know this is a candida rash do to a overgrowth of toxins in the body, to which the main culprits us antibiotic use, steroid use,sugars etc. You cant just treat the rash externally it will always come back. You have to treat it internally as well, also while taking a bunch of vitamins,probiotics,garlic,cayenne,vinegar enemas,these are just to name a few and you have to take these a certain way. This has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but in the end it will be worth it. Taking a lot of vitamin c is very helpful for the rash, but I wouldn't take anything from the store as it contains chemicals and then you will have another problem all together. These are just suggestions because everyone needs to find out what works for them. What works for one may not work for the other, personally I've only done the all natural approach cause it is treating the underlying problem. Probiotics is the key to the gut so you can put good bacteria back in there. I hope this has helped. I've got so much more information but too much to put down, but there is light at the end of the rainbow. May God bless you.
I have used for instant relief of itching is baking soda in bath water. Soak for 20 minutes or longer the relief is so good you want to stay in the bath. I have also used apple cider vinegar mixed with water when I shower to keep the itching under control and cortisone. The best though is the bath with baking soda. Just pour 1 - 2 cups or more cups in bath. I tend to use more depending on how bad I was. In a post I read about heels cracking the best solution is boric acid in a foot bath. Hope this helps others that are fighting the rash or yeast infection under stomach or inner thighs. Yeast infections are very stubborn so you might need to repeat till its under control. This sight has given a wealth of information and tips. Thank You for sharing.
My daughter made a diy spray facial toner that is the best preventative (and curative) recipe I have ever found. I now spray all of my trouble spots daily and have no continuing issues (I had active infections when I started spraying and it cleared them right up).
Here is the recipe:
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons water (preferably distilled)
1 tablespoon witch hazel
10 drops lavender oil
10 drops tea tree oil
Put it in a spray bottle and spray daily
Can I use Vinegar for the groin area? (I am on information overload, so I need to know the basics I can use for now) that is where I have the problem, It started about 2 weeks ago, I noticed the moistness and soreness, and took a look yesterday and it was pinkish... I am a Senior and not diabetic, I have gained a little weight over the years. And I am on a fixed income.
Gosh, I am so glad to have found this site! Like many of you, I have been experiencing skin yeast infections (and a couple of the "lady kind too) for almost six months. During that time, I have spent hundreds of dollars on every cream, lotion, powder, spray, home remedy and prescription medication (Diflucan pills for 28 days). Now I know why some call this horrible condition "yeasty beasties." Darned near impossible to get rid of. In my case, it turns out that I have early diabetes and the yeast was a warning sign. I assumed that once I got my blood sugars under control, the yeast would magically disappear. NOT! Although it is improving greatly (at last) the yeast is constantly threatening me. I've made lots of changes...primarily in my diet but also I have switched to Dreft laundry detergent and fragrance free fabric softener. That does help I think. I use only Cetaphil bar soap as opposed to my favorite, Dove. As others have noted, Zeasorb powder is helpful in keeping dry as is the Monistat Glide gel. But by far, two aids have been the absolute greatest. Those are the double breast sling (Amazon) for when I am at home and cotton bamboo nursing pads (Amazon) tucked under the girls inside my bra for when I'm out of the house. Amazing and very comfortable. I can't stress strongly enough the importance of cotton bras and panties. Fruit of the Loom makes a front closure all cotton bra often used for post surgery. These are terrific and inexpensive. One more thing...it is frustrating to do a zillion things and none seem to work. Be patient, it takes about a month or six weeks to get these beasties under control so don't give up. We're all in this together and that's good to know when you're itchy and miserable and feeling very alone in this situation. We are NOT alone! We have each other. Take care everyone.
For years I've had rashes and even open sores beneath my breasts (intertrigo). The double cushioned breast sling has changed my life. I wear it all the time at home - and I also use the strapless cushions inside my bra during the day. made of quality materials, they are incredibly comfortable. I will never be without them! Take heart, all you sufferers!
Wow, thank you so much everyone and especially Nancy:
"pretty easily by odor. Yeast/fungal cause generally has a vinegar-type odor but if it is bacterial, either primary or secondary, you will know. You will want to run away from yourself, it is that foul and sour. My internist and I have been ..."
...who confirmed that I had a bacterial problem. Now it all makes sense. It started around the time I got a hysterectomy and an infection days after the surgery (which was alleviated by antibiotics). I thought the odor and light rash was because I had gotten fat and had developed a belly flap, and that somehow that part your body smelled different. Here it is 10 years later, and Hibiclens cleared the whole thing up in a matter of days! Ten years of foul odor... Thank you thank you thank you thank you....
Just want to thank the March 5th anonymous poster for sharing the spray toner recipe. It's done wonders for me! I have been dealing with an itchy rash on my shins for a couple of years now, tried everything to no avail. Thanks to the spray recipe, they're the best they've been in years, still not healed completely but I think there's hope! Thanks so much!
Hi guys, for help in battling a fungal skin infection, use topical clay! It helps in absorbing the fungus and it's toxins. Really helpful!
I have had this issue on and off for years, especially after menopause. I have tried a variety of suggestions offered from fellow sufferers of this plague. Cutting out sugar and starches. Taking a multivitamin, Vitamin E and coconut oil daily.Washing the area with Hibiclens. Drying the skin with a hair dryer. Applying coconut oil and Vitamin E oil on the skin twice a day. Washing all bras, shirts, towels and washcloths in hot water. Wearing a clean bra daily.Following this routine daily for a week has made a world of difference in the rash. It is almost gone and I hope to have it completely cleared up within the next week. Thanks to all of the ladies who took the time to post their tips, and a special thanks to The Well Rounded Mama who got the ball rolling in the first place.
For years I have dreaded the coming of summer due to the inevitable intertrigo I would suffer with beneath my breasts. The itchy, scaly, red and painful rash would last for weeks at a time and usually recur until the weather again became cool. I tried all kind of creams, powders, soaps and even large bandaids (which just left me with huge welts on my sensitive skin) but nothing really worked. I saw an ad for ComfortSlings and decided to try them. This device is perfect! It works better than any creams, lotions or talcs. allowing the air to circulate beneath the breast so that the skin can heal naturally. Once I got the infection/rash under control, they have kept me completely rash free. They are soft and comfortable and keep the area from rubbing and/or sweating. I also sleep in the comfortslings at night. These are worth every penny.
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