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Photography by Leticia Valverdes, Birth Marks Photography Photo and story at A Beautiful Body Project |
Here is the photographer's summary of her situation (my emphasis):
Elaine was two times forced into caesarean sections for no medical reason other than her obesity, including second one where she arrived in hospital already 9 cm dilated but was forced into a c-section as the obstetric doctor said she would not look after her and the baby if she insisted on a natural labour. She locked herself in the toilette with her doula but got scared and allowed the C when already 10 cm dilated. She was told she was too fat to labour.Too fat to labor? Yet she was already dilated! She'd done all of labor except pushing. But her doctor could not be bothered to attend her in labor for pushing; I'm sure he felt she was too "high-risk" to push out a baby. Yet other fat women can push out their babies ─ when they are given a real opportunity, which is far too rare these days.
Also frustrating to me is the fact that EVERYONE so far has missed the fact that she almost certainly has lipedema. Look at her legs and her behind. Classic shape and texture of advanced lipedema! They are blaming her for her fatness (and she blames herself, as you can see from her comments about herself in the article) when likely a great deal of it is beyond her control. But that certainly doesn't mean she can't push out a baby. Many of us with lipedema have. It's just bias, pure and simple, on the part of the doctor. And that highlights a troubling trend in cesareans these days.
As the Cesarean Awareness Month logo above notes, the overall cesarean rate in the United States is too high, with almost 1 in 3 women having a cesarean. Yes, some of those are absolutely necessary and life-saving, and no woman should ever be shamed or feel like less of a mother or a woman if she has had a cesarean. Please don't think I'm putting you down if you've had a cesarean.
But a too-high cesarean rate has major public health implications that we are ignoring, and women's health is being impacted by this.
Sadly, high BMI women are being disproportionately affected by this high cesarean rate, and this has major implications for our health.
Sure, this story is from Brazil where the cesarean rate is sky-high, but don't be naive; there are "obese" women here who are being railroaded into cesareans only because of their weight.
I have written about the high cesarean rate in obese women many times. If you want to read a post with extensive research details on it, read this one ─ Astronomical Cesarean Rates in Women of Size. It has plenty of references and explanations, but here are a few highlights.
Too many care providers have taken the view that fat women "can't" birth normally or are "too risky" to birth normally. One recent study showed that about 1 of 3 "morbidly obese" women are being pressured into cesareans before labor. So the 1 in 3 national c-section figure above? The same rate happens in high BMI women ─ except that's only the pre-labor cesareans in obese group.
What about those who labor? Even when women of size are "allowed" to labor, the high-intervention and high-risk way that they are often managed mean that the resulting cesarean rate is even higher.
In many recent studies, the cesarean rate in obese women is around 50%, or ONE IN EVERY TWO WOMEN.
Where's the graphic that reflects that?!? Where is the outrage in the birthing community? Where is the accountability for providers? Where are the hospital programs to try to reduce the enormous cesarean rate in high BMI women? NOWHERE.
Check out this study from 2013 which documented cesarean rates in high-BMI women in Tennessee. Note how this cesarean-oriented culture results in especially high rates in "morbidly obese" women:
"Underweight" women (BMI less than 18.5) - 26.0%
"Normal Weight" women (BMI 18.6 - 24.9) - 31.4%
"Overweight" women (BMI 25 - 29.9) - 39.1%
"Obese" women (BMI 30 - 34.9) - 40.8%
"Morbidly Obese" women (BMI 40+) - 56.6%
This reminds me of a similar study from Kentucky, showing cesarean rates in morbidly obese women near 60% also.
You can find studies with even higher rates too, like this very large, multi-state study from more than a decade ago which found a c-section rate of 71% for women with a BMI of 52 or more.
Or a more recent study that found a nearly 70% c-section rate in women with a BMI of 35 or more.
Then there's this study from Michigan, which had a total cesarean rate of MORE THAN 80% for women with a BMI over 50.
And the cesarean rate in obese women continues to rise unabated and unchecked.
One German study we discussed recently showed that while cesarean rates have increased in all groups over time, they've increased the most in "morbidly obese" women. In just 22 years, the cesarean rate in Class III Obese women doubled, going from 26.9% to 55.2%.
Why? What changed? These stats compare women of the same size, so it wasn't the women who changed. Most likely it was the management of those women that changed, and the fear levels around their pregnancies.
You can find studies with even higher rates too, like this very large, multi-state study from more than a decade ago which found a c-section rate of 71% for women with a BMI of 52 or more.
Or a more recent study that found a nearly 70% c-section rate in women with a BMI of 35 or more.
Then there's this study from Michigan, which had a total cesarean rate of MORE THAN 80% for women with a BMI over 50.
And the cesarean rate in obese women continues to rise unabated and unchecked.
One German study we discussed recently showed that while cesarean rates have increased in all groups over time, they've increased the most in "morbidly obese" women. In just 22 years, the cesarean rate in Class III Obese women doubled, going from 26.9% to 55.2%.
Why? What changed? These stats compare women of the same size, so it wasn't the women who changed. Most likely it was the management of those women that changed, and the fear levels around their pregnancies.
If the cesarean rate in fat women has increased from 27% to 55% in 22 years, how far will it go in the next 22?
How Can We Change This Trend?
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way.
As I've pointed out before, there was a large recent British study that found a 30% cesarean rate in "super-obese" women (BMI 50 or more) who were given a chance to labor.
Yes, 70% of these super-obese women were able to give birth vaginally ─ when given the chance to do so.
Yet hospitals in Kentucky and Tennessee, as cited above, had c-section rates of around 60%, nearly TWICE the British rate. And the Michigan study had rates even higher than that. Why?
These differences suggest that there are key differences in how high BMI women are being managed that is resulting in such wide variations in cesarean rates in this group, both over time and by location.
It's time for care providers to start focusing on the cesarean practice rate variation in obese women and learning from it. Once we acknowledge that there is a wide range in the obese cesarean rate, we can more easily start studying the things that help lower the risk for cesarean in this group, and hospitals can work on meaningful changes that will improve outcomes. But I have yet to see one study that seriously addresses this issue.
What Can Be Done?
Yes, 70% of these super-obese women were able to give birth vaginally ─ when given the chance to do so.
Yet hospitals in Kentucky and Tennessee, as cited above, had c-section rates of around 60%, nearly TWICE the British rate. And the Michigan study had rates even higher than that. Why?
These differences suggest that there are key differences in how high BMI women are being managed that is resulting in such wide variations in cesarean rates in this group, both over time and by location.
It's time for care providers to start focusing on the cesarean practice rate variation in obese women and learning from it. Once we acknowledge that there is a wide range in the obese cesarean rate, we can more easily start studying the things that help lower the risk for cesarean in this group, and hospitals can work on meaningful changes that will improve outcomes. But I have yet to see one study that seriously addresses this issue.
What Can Be Done?
Based on the evidence (references and explanations in the last section of the original article), the most logical ideas would include:
- A strong emphasis on preventing the first cesarean, especially scheduled cesareans that occur before labor. Far too many doctors are not giving fat women a chance to labor at all and then repeat cesareans become nearly automatic. Prevent the first cesarean and you quickly impact the overall cesarean rate in this group
- Less early induction of labor unless it is truly medically indicated since induction often increases the chance of cesarean; when induction is used, wait until the mother's cervix is ready for labor whenever medically possible
- Dating pregnancies more accurately in women of size with longer menstrual cycles so that more are truly ready for labor at term and not being induced too early
- Reduction in the overuse of common interventions in obese women, like early breaking of water, early epidurals, and routine pitocin augmentation
- Encouraging women of size to stay home longer in early labor, since research shows that coming into the hospital too early is strongly associated with higher cesarean rates
- Giving women of size MUCH more time and patience in labor to account for a possibly slower dilation curve and a longer first stage of labor
- More utilization of midwifery and/or a midwifery-laborist model of care for low-risk obese women since this has been shown to decrease the risk for cesareans
- Strongly encouraging use of doulas and professional labor support for women of size since doulas have been shown to reduce cesarean rates significantly
- A re-emphasis on the importance of properly-sized equipment like blood pressure cuffs so interventions are only undertaken when truly needed, based on accurate data
- More attention to preventing and treating fetal malposition in women of size (who may be more at risk for fetal malpositions)
- More freedom of movement in labor and utilization of alternative positions in pushing, instead of immobilizing the obese woman in bed and reducing her pelvic space
- Fewer late ultrasounds for estimating fetal weight, since prediction of fetal weight increases the chance of cesarean beyond the baby's size alone
- A revival of VBAC access for high BMI women, with fewer VBAC inductions and more patience during a "trial of labor" to give it the maximum chance to happen
Start with these ideas, then hospitals should organize some serious trials to see if they help. Make reducing cesarean rates in high-BMI women a strong priority in research and in practice.
It's outrageous that this poor woman from Brazil was forced into a cesarean TWICE simply because of her weight, even after she arrived at the hospital nearly fully dilated.
It reminds me of the story, told by an OB, of getting into trouble with her colleagues because she let a morbidly obese woman VBAC. The woman arrived at the hospital fully dilated (and with a history of a prior vaginal birth). Her colleagues raked her over the coals for not doing an automatic c-section, simply based on the mother's size. They would have forced this mother into another cesarean, even though her body had already proven it could give birth safely, and even though she was fully dilated, based on nothing more than her weight. And this was in the U.S., not very long ago!
I've heard from other fat women who were strongly encouraged or even coerced into signing papers for an elective cesarean early in pregnancy, based only on size. While it's by no means universal, it does still happen. Higher-weight women ARE being forced into cesareans based on their size alone, even here and now.
Thank goodness, not all providers are like this. Even as we are outraged by stories like these, we must remember and acknowledge that there are wonderful midwives and doctors out there who are truly size-friendly, who give women of size every chance at vaginal birth, and who do support them in VBAC as well. Some maternity providers are wonderful with women of size and it's vitally important that higher-weight women seek out and find these size-friendly providers.
Historically, cesarean rates in high-BMI women were not as different from average-sized women as they are today. As we have seen, the cesarean rate has increased markedly in obese women in recent years, and there is a great deal of variation in the obese cesarean rate between institutions.
This means that a high cesarean rate is not an inevitable outcome of obesity, and that many fat women can give birth vaginally with the right support. It also means that there are ways to lower the cesarean rate in higher-weight women ─ if we are willing to study it and make change a priority.
Far too many of the cesareans in women of size today are “iatrogenic”— influenced more by the attitudes and management protocols of the care providers than by the woman’s size. Far too many high BMI women are sectioned before labor even starts, induced before their bodies are ready, or have their labors cut short out of impatience or fear. But research has shown that most women of size can give birth vaginally if they are just given a real chance to do so.
It's time we work to make that happen. Let's not hear about any more cases like poor Elaine.
As a super obese woman who had 2 homebirths, I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestions for reducing c-section rates. Those sorts of things are what allowed me to have normal births. We've moved to a new state and are choosing to get sterilized because I'm too terrified of the birth environment here to have any more children. It's truly horrifying what goes on.
I certainly hope you will share your story on this site! We'd love to share such a story.
Great post! I'm glad to live in Portland where there is a wonderful community of midwives who support all sizes through the birthing process.
Also just wanted to thank you for what brought me to your blog today - your older post on going to the doctor and asserting your right to not be weighed when it's not relevant. I always thought it was weird when I'd go to a dermatologist or something and they'd want to weigh and measure me and I'd leave devastated even though I'm in great health despite my 39 BMI with no blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol issues.
I was the previous anonymous commenter. I've sat on your suggestion to share my story and I think I'd like to, but I'd like to message you privately first. The email I found for you bounced back, do you have a better one?
Did you use the email listed on the left sidebar? Try that one first. Another option is to go to my Facebook page (see link near the top of the page) and send me a private message that way.
I'd love to share your story!
I am 7 days post partum and still not happy with how the process went. I was induced at 41 weeks, 6 days after having put it off twice. I should have put it off again, but my doctor would disagree since I ended up having my blood pressure spike during labor. (Always had low BP before and during pregnancy.) by the time I was pushing, I had only an hour left before I got to meet my baby girl, but that wasn't before having threats to use an internal monitor (screwed into baby's head) because the current monitors they use are not friendly for women of size. They were unable to read the baby's stats during contractions and since I let them induce, I had to let them monitor. There's much more to my story but I wanted to focus on the issue of monitoring...I don't know why they don't have a better solution fior this issue?!?!
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