I have searched long and hard for images of women of size during pregnancy, birthing, and breastfeeding to use on my blog and website.
I have found almost no pregnancy and birthing images; I have found a few for breastfeeding (like the one I use for my blog, above right), but even those are hard to find. And often those images are not especially "well-rounded."
Now, of course fat women have been having babies for ages, but apparently there is a cultural taboo against showing it today. If you were looking for images online now of fat pregnant women, you'd be hard-put to find many.
And forget about finding any pictures of fat pregnant women in birth books. That might mean condoning obesity in pregnancy (gasp!).
So if you are a fat woman and want to know what pregnancy or birth as a woman of size looks like, you'd be hard-pressed to find any images, any inspiration whatsoever, anywhere.
This is ironic of course, because fat women were used as fertility symbols in many ancient cultures, like the picture below (from here) of "Goddess Giving Birth," or the famous Venus of Willendorf image.

Of course, many of you fat chicks out there have had babies in the digital age, yet few fat women post their pregnancy pictures online either. Because of body insecurity, fear of harassing emails, and the cultural taboo about being fat and pregnant nowadays, many women of size do not publicize their pictures of themselves pregnant.

Right now, I'm especially interested in shots of fat women pregnant and giving birth, because those are the images I get the most requests for and the ones that are hardest to find online, but I'd be happy to have any sorts of pictures.
Let's show the world that fat women DO get pregnant, DO give birth, DO breastfeed, and DO have children and parent just like everyone else.
If you have a photo you are willing to share on my blog, please send me an email at kmom at plus-size-pregnancy dot org (no attachments, please).
You will need to give me permission to use the photo, and you might want to include a few details like how many weeks you were, number of prior pregnancies, a general idea of your pre-pregnancy size (dress size works well), things like that.
Don't send me 150 photos; pick a couple of the best and send those.
I especially want birthing photos because images of fat women giving birth are the hardest to find, and it's important to document that Yes, fat women can and do give birth vaginally too.
That's not to say that I don't want cesarean photos either, because these are important to document too. But if you have photos of yourself giving birth vaginally, I'd especially love to have those.
I am also always looking to add photos of fat women of color, because women of color are often already under-represented in pregnancy and birthing photos.

I have some photos already that I have used in slide shows about plus-sized pregnancy for NAAFA conferences, birth conferences, and midwifery conferences. However, I am still working on getting permission to use these on my blog.
So I don't have all that many pictures yet for my blog, but here's a few, and some links to others.
I have a series of pictures of a woman of size pregnant with twins, showing how her body changed all through her pregnancy. I've posted this video before, but in the interest of having several of these pregnancy photos all in one place, here's the link again.
Here are a series of pregnancy pictures from a dear friend of mine. You know her; I posted about her recent VBAC, and the image at the top of this blog entry is from her website. You can go to her blog to see her recent pregnancy documented in photos:
25 weeks
28 weeks
33 weeks
38 weeks
40 weeks
Labor and Birth
There's also a slide show of pictures of her from a previous pregnancy there, at the bottom of this link.
What about you? Do you have some photos to share?
What's the smallest size you're looking for? I'm 32 weeks pregnant and at the low end of 'obese' according to BMI, pre-pregnancy. I'm fat enough where I get crap from the doctor, but not really in the plus size range.
I really enjoy your blog, though my "babies" are teenagers now! I have pictures of pregnancy, childbirth (not very graphic or close-up but definitely giving birth!) and breastfeeding I would be happy to share; I just need to scan them as they were taken on film. I'll try to get them to you in a week or so!
PS. I can't wait until my doctor's appt next week to check on the size of the BP cuff!
I don't know what qualifies as plus-size sometimes, as the discussion on shapely prose has gone. I'm a bit of an inbetweenie, though with the 25 lbs I've put on so far in the pregnancy I feel more plus sized than I have for a bit.
Personally, knowing that I was due in the summer, I loved the idea of the seasons of spring and summer coming as my body becomes more round and fertile looking. I love the flowy maternity shirts I've been able to find, with a long skirt. As soon as I can get away with sandals without frozen toes, I will walk around feeling very much like a fertility symbol, and I love it.
Sorry, I can't send you anything as I didn't take any pictures of myself when I was pregnant.
I just barely found your blog, and this post interests me a great deal. Like a couple of the previous posters, I've been hovering around the line between "overweight" and "obese" so I'm not especially large, but I am plus size. Because of my shape, my pregnancies don't "show" as much as "normal" sized women. People think it's a compliment to say, "Oh, you don't look pregnant." I want to tell them, "Would you want to be big enough to hide a baby without anyone knowing?" I recently learned that it's not uncommon for overweight women to show later in their pregnancies or not at all. Maybe that's another reason it's harder to find pictures of them - because they don't look as pregnant and they don't have those cute basketball bellies to show off for people to ooh and ahh over.
i'm suprised at how emotional i got in reading this post. for the 1st time ever, i see pictures that look like me. thank you.
i'm sorry, i can't see where to send the pics?? you inspired me this morning (as you often do) but this morning i linked this post up w/ mine, i hope that's ok. please let me know if it's not. -kris doulangel.wordpress.com
OMG I just found your blog through the IVP and I LOOOOOVE IT! I'll be posting on my blog - Musings of a Fat Chick - that you are looking for photos.
And who knows, when I finally get pregnant, I just might be sending you a photo of me!
This post gave me the extra nudge I needed to continue enjoying my current pregnancy, partly by taking progessive preggo photos (which I did not do last time around). And also to take tht big leap of faith and have my doula take pictures of me laboring and birthing. I really wanted those photos, but I also really want to be uninhibited during labor, which very well may mean laboring totally nude in the hospital and I was feeling unsure about seeing photos of myself totally naked. You reminded me that I not only should have those precious memories no matter what size I am, but also to contribute photos of a plus-size gal giving birth, which the world needs to see!
I am currently a CCE-in-training (almost done) and as I've watched countless birth videos, both professional and on youtube, I've always wondered, "Are there any videos of larger women out there? Or even pictures?" THanks for letting me know that it really is that difficult to find them. I did once come across beautiful homebirth video on youtube of a plus-size woman laboring and birthing. If I ever find it again, I'll send you the link.
Thanks for your website and blog!
I am so excited to have found you! I am hoping to start "trying" for a baby in the Fall. I am so often discouraged at the lack of resources for plus-sized pregnancy. I was so thrilled to see your pictures of what appears to be an at home birth!!! I have been told, since I am fat, I cannot do that... thank you so very much!!! If all goes well, I will send pics!!
Oh My Goodness I applaud you!!! I just found your site and am ecstatic!!! My husband and I have decided to TTC in December of this year and we (doctors and family included) are wary. I am currently a size 26, which some would say isn't in the OMGSUPERWOMAN size-range, however I way 360. At 5'11'' I feel that's not SO bad, but my doctor's say my BMI is dangerously high. BUT!!! Seeing this page and knowing that it CAN be done and us big women CAN be beautiful, I have a new confidence. Thank you for your posts. I will be checking in to see what progress you have made! Thanks again!!
<3 BK
hi i'm 23 weeks pregnant and i'm 358 lbs and 5'5" i weighed 365 lbs at the start of the pregnancy...my doc said that its ok to lose weight as long as i dont diet ..just eat healthy and dont over eat. this is my second child my first is 5 now.....my boobs are like baloons...they were big to begin with now i'm in a 52 FF...wow i never thought i would see the day...lol....but its killing my back...i will see if i have any good pictures of me. if not i will take one and send.
Hope you see this!
I can't find your email on the site, but I finally found the couple of pictures I took at the very end of my (twin) pregnancy. If you're still interested in plus-size pregnancy photos, shoot me an email at thornacious (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll get them to you.
Keep up the fantastic work!!
I am 5'6, 308 lbs, and am 6 weeks pregnant. I have my first appointment with my OB/GYN this Friday, and have been trying to read up on being obese and pregnant in the meantime...some of the things I am reading on the internet are horrifying, and I have to say I am very scared that I will not be able to carry and deliver a healthy baby. I am 32 years old and this is my first child, and I have wanted for SO LONG to be pregnant...I guess I am looking for some words of encouragement...I am healthy for the most part other than my weight, I don't smoke, I don't have high blood pressure or any problems that I am aware of...I have not had the healthiest diet, but not necessarily unhealthy either...and of course, that has become something I am much more conscious of since I found out I am pregnant. I guess I am just looking for some words of encouragement...I do know several ladies who are obese and had perfectly normal pregnancies...but I still can't help but worry :(
I like that there is something like this out there... as you mentioned, talk of those who are obese and pregnant is seldom found... anywhere. BUT do you have to refer to us as fatties? Obviously if we are in that category we might be sick of being referred to as such... anyway, I see the intentions are good and you may receive a pic or two from me as I am having my photo session in a few days. I'm 27 years old, pregnant with my first, 38 weeks along, started out weighing 315 lbs, lost 20 lbs during the first trimester because I could hardly eat anything, and as that has changed I have re-gained the weight. It was nice cause I really have not needed to buy maternity clothes.. or, any clothes that were bigger... I just grew back into my clothes which I was really grateful for.
At first I was worried that no one would be able to tell I am pregnant but you know what... it really doesnt matter. My husband and I definitely see the changes, I feel beautiful to him and I love seeing the changes in me. I just havent worried about what others think and its been great. No one should let their happiness be dulled by the comments or opinions of others.
I foud out I was pregnant about a week ago, at 336 lbs currently and 5'11'' I am wondering how I might look at various points of pregnancy... I'm in my 6th week now and already see some changes in my breasts... I hope to see a baby belly!
I am 9 weeks pregnant and am overweight. I cannot find any pics and think it is crap! Let me know what to do because I am very new to this whole thing.
my husband has some pics of me while pregnant with #2 (my HBAC baby) during pregnancy, labor and birth, as well as a video of her birth, i would love to share those if i can find them on his comp.
Wow, I think his blog is wonderful. My husband and I are currently trying to conceive, much against everything I have read as I am classed as 'Obese' although I do think that is a bit dramatic! I feel so insecure about being a big pregnant woman, so much so that I have formulated a plan to make the doctor think baby would be an 'accident' and that is awful! I wish more big women felt comfortable with who they are, we can have just as a healthy bub as the next skinny minnie. Thanks for this blog!! xx
I'm 29 weeks pregnant. I started out size 24 258lbs. I'm now 282 and my doc says no more weight. Easier said than done :)I'm not really showing that much my stomach is popped out on the top but I look like I just got fatter. I'm hoping I round out soon. Love this blog! Kudos!
I'm fat and pregnant and doing just fine! I'm 25 years old, 5'8", 308lbs and currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first child. So far, my doctor has been pretty unconcerned with my weight, particularly as all my tests (blood/urine work, blood pressure etc) keep coming back good. I actually lost a pound during the first trimester instead of gaining any weight, so I was surprised! My "bump", for lack of a better word, is just starting to poke out now, but most people don't notice it - you're obviously going to notice more changes yourself than others will. Right from the time I found out I was pregnant, I've been aware of my baby's presence, so it doesn't matter if other people don't see it - I know he/she is in there! Stay strong, plus size moms! :D
I'm BMI >40 young wife from Finland willing but scared to get pregnant. I think this blog is great!! Can't wait to see more photos!
I just found this blog, and am really excited. I am 10 weeks pregnant with my 3 and 4th child. I have been obese with both of my other pregnancies, and except for a little high blood pressure in the last few weeks, both of my other pregnancies were great! Both of my children were full term, healthy weights, and had no problems. And if you are wondering, I didn't show much until I was about 25 weeks, but then I definitely looked pregnant. I am currently a size 22.
I'm in my first trimester and obese. I started the pregnancy at about 270, and like you mentioned in the post I am concerned what I will look like. I want the baby belly that the 'skinny' girls at work have, lol. Thanks for the assuance that I will evenutally have a beautiful baby belly also! I will post pictures once it appears in a few months. Thanks, Dee
Thanks for sharing, there really isn't enough information or support out there. That's why I started my blog early in my for "REAL" Plus site twin pregnancy. I started off at abt a 26/28 - 30/32. There are so many amazing wonderful things that have come along with my pregnancy along with frustrations that come along with all pregnancies and then the PLUS thing on top of that then the twin thing. I didn't know where to post my blog (which has belly pics every 2 weeks) so I guess I'll leave it here! Thanks again for such a bgreat blog/forum.
I would love to send you some belly pictures. Where/how do I send them to you? I was right at 200lbs when I got preggo and ended at 235lbs (I'm 5'2'')
Hey girls,
i'm not sure where to post a question on this blog, so I thought I would do it here. I am very very obese- over 400 lbs although I dont look it. I unexpectedly got pregnant...which I am very excited about, however I am concerned about my weight. So far everything is fine, I am 17 weeks, no issues at all. My 20 week ultrasound is coming up soon...and I am worried about whether or not they will be able to complete an ultrasound at my weight. I had the ultrascreen ultrasound at 13 weeks, and they were able to lift up my lower abdomen fat and press under it and see the baby. Does anyone know if that will still work at 20 weeks? I cant imagine that an ultrasound would get through all the fat on my belly (although I dont really know about this.) I am not showing yet....the baby and growing uterus has def pushed my fat around a bit...lol..but I cant tell theres a baby yet. I worry that I wont be able to tell. Does anyone have any experience being VERY, VERY overweight and pregnant? Especially om regards to the ultrasound?
I was 372 at the start of my pg, and 387 at the end. I didn't look pregnant until about the last 4-6 weeks (and then only barely--but as I stood there in my empire waist shirt with my hand on top of my belly, some could imagine I was pg)--I just looked like I had gotten bigger. I can't begin to explain the angst over not looking pregnant--as I told my clients I was about to go on maternity leave, most were shocked I was pg. (how embarassing) Instead, you get dirty looks for looking bigger instead of the warm congratulations that skinnier women get. Ugh. Most women don't have to TELL someone they're 6 months pregnant. All that said, I had a very healthy pregnancy and delivery.
To answer the more specific question of ultrasounds that was raised--they never had any difficulty doing ultrasounds on me at any stage of pregnancy despite my substantial belly. (my first one at 8 weeks or so they did transvaginally, but all others were abdominal). Good luck!
Thank you so much for the reply! I feel so much better just reading about your experience and knowing you were able to have a healthy pregnancy and that ultrasounds worked. Its so hard to find information on it. I hope I show, but if I dont, oh well...as long as I have a healthy baby I will be incredibly happy! Just wondering, were you able to feel the baby? Some people say when your heavy its harder to feel the little munchkin inside you. I really wanna experience it! I am 17 weeks and haven felt anything yet...but its still kinda early I think. :-)
I love this site!
I'm pregnant with my second child and currently just look as though I've gained a few pounds. I'm pretty much the same size now as when I fell pregnant first time. I've got a BMI of 40 so pretty big to be having a baby (or that's the impression I seem to get from every other source than this site!).
My first pregnancy was straight forward... no gestational diabetes, no blood pressure... and my birth was amazing - water birth with only gas and air.
Despite this fantastic experieince, I now feel as though I'm being treated as a high risk (and god forbid being over weight!)case.
Nothing like bursting your bubble!!!!
Hi Just reading this site and the blogs.. I'm 20 weeks pregnant and very over weight. Nice to know I'm not the leper the doctor and midwife are making me feel like... Too high risk, too old for a first child ( I,m 40 ) Talk about feeling like you've done something wrong !!! My husband and I have waited nearly 22 years for this baby and for the people you rely on to give you support to basically sneer and make remarks every-time you see them is so not on ... Yet seemingly the norm with over weight mothers. With regards to the Ultrasound I think it depends on the person doing it.. Mine was really nice and explained everything that was happening.. Hope that helps and thanks for all the info on the blogs makes me feel a bit better..x
I was 350 when I unexpectedly got pregnant for the 1st time(I'm over 50!) I'm excited but scared. Now at 6 wks with twins, I'm at 362 and already I'm showing a definite bump and my breasts are ballooning and very tender. I have morning noon and night sickness that is only eased by eating something starchy. I was an extreme pear shape so I didn't have much of a belly until now. But now I'm measuring bigger than normal-- even for twins. The perinatologist has me scared enumerating all my high-risk factors.(age, multiples, diabetes, morbidly obese, 1st pregnancy) And he says my growth rate is more consistent with triplets and wouldnt be surprised to find a 3rd on my 10 wk u/s,(There might be 3 in there?! Yikes!) Has anyone else showed this early? Given the size of me at this early stage, I'll need a maternity girdle--where do I find one 3x or higher? And eventually I'll need the 52FF bra, too. Where do you find those? What kind of exercise can I do to maintain some tone before I have to go on bedrest?
I am pregnant with my second child and my BMI is 37. I am 5 foot 2 and at the moment I am 36 week pregnant and weigh about 220lbs. When I was pregnant wth my first child I weighed slightly less but was NEVER EVER told or warned that it was dangerous.. I had a happy, healthy pregnancy.
I had a terrible birth, I needed forceps and I lost a lot of blood. They said that this can happen with first time births and there was nothing 'wrong' with me that caused it.
This time around I am frightenned and feel victimised by my midwife because she constantly refers to my weight and my BMI and despite having no problems, no diabetes, perfect blood pressure.. I now feel that maybe my weight was respondible for my first birth being so traumatic. She said I couldnt have a water birth because of the 'risks' associated with being obese and that delivery is the time when 'things go wrong'.
I had to have extra appointments at the hospital to have my airways measured incase I need an emergency general aneasthetic.. had to have my spine palpated to check they could get a needled (Through all my fat!!!) it really upset me and with only a few weeks to go til I give birth I am having sleeplness nights and panic attacks.
I feel like I am being treated like a monster. Thank you for this site!! much love to all of you! xxx
Hi, I'm 18 years old and weighed 128 kilos (not too sure in pounds) before my pregnancy, am now 32 weeks pregnant with my first and gained only 8 kilos so far during my pregnancy. It wasn't a planned pregnancy and I was completely shocked when I found out I was pregnant because I always felt I'd have to TTC as my periods have never been regular due to my weight.
I've had such a smooth pregnancy, only mild nausea in my first trimester and was fairly tired all the time, felt babys first kicks around 19 weeks and haven't stopped feeling them since :) I'm now in my third trimester and have started getting acid reflux during sleep and leg cramps, which I've come to read is completely normal, baby is head down which puts a bit of pressure on my pelvis which can cause some pain, but that's to be expected.
I haven't had any problems with doctors or midwives, both have treated me as I feel they would a 'normal' sized mum-to-be and I haven't had any problems with my blood pressure, blood or urine tests and everything seems to be going to plan.
I suppose being so young, I don't feel I'd come across some of te difficulties older BBW mums-to-be might, which I'm grateful for, but found it so disheartening when couldn't find much information or pictures of bigger pregnant women, so this site has been a blessing as I love reading other womens stories :)
As for my bump, I'm fairly pear shaped, although I did have a tum before baby that sat low, so I had a flat abdoman and majority of my flab was just above my pevlic area. Because of this reason, looking from anyone elses perspective, I don't look pregnant unless pointed out and actually focused on, as my bump is high and my lower flab disguises what might be a more obvious bump, but from my birds eye view I look very much pregnant, as I wasn't used to a bump up top and I can't even see past my top bump anymore. It's hard to explain, sorry if you don't fully understand my explination haha but I am hoping I show more closer to my due date.
I wish everyone a safe pregnancy and luck with TTC, we all deserve to be mothers, no matter how much we weigh! Xx
I am 21 years old and i started trying for a baby. I havent got a clue what my periods are like because since i was 18 i had the implanon in and had the second one taken out a few weeks ago. I weigh around 22 stone and 7lbs around
317lbs i think. I am absolutley terrified of getting pregnant. I went on to the mini pill and had a period 2 days later so i can only presume that there fine. I dont have anything wrong with me like high blood presure or diabetes. I excersice alot as i work two jobs one cleaning job 2 hours a day, 7 days a week and a factory job which is 5 hours a day 4 nights a week and i eat at stupid times but i do not over eat. I was so glad to hear of similar sized woman getting pregnant i just with my size it doesnt take too long.
Hi my BMI is 31 I'm not 9 weeks along so it obviously doesn't show yet but I'm considering sending in some pictures in a couple of months.
I'm very pleased to have found this blog and I'd like to contribute and show the world that we are people too!
Now at 10 weeks, they did indeed find a 3rd sac...I've gained 20 lbs already and look 5-6 months along. And I'm ALWAYS hungry! I will be (more) massive. my peri is a nazi but I'll put up because of his excellent rep...I'll take abuse if it gets my little ones delivered safely! And of course, the news would have to air a story the other day about a 56 yr old pregnant chimp! Being over 50, Guess I haven't quite evolved!
I have had 2 children, both when I was overweight. I am 4'11" and when I got pregnant with my 1st daughter I was 160. I did not gain any weight until I was 5 mnths and when I had her I was about 190. I ended up having placenta abruption with her and had to have an emergency csection, but had no previous complications (with blood pressure or diabetes..) I was about 180 when I got pregnant with my 2nd daughter since I had not lost the weight from my 1st baby. I was afraid I would have gestational diabetes b/c if what everyone was telling me about being overweight and pregnant, but when it was time to test, i did not have it. I did notice I was more tired this pregnancy, and this could have been b/c I weighed more, but I don't feel that was the case. I think this was due to having a toddler AND being pregnant. I was 180 when I became pregnant and was 210 when I had her. I had to have another csection but it was earlier than we had scheduled due to having a gallbladder attack. 6mnths after my DD was born I had my gallbladder removed. But I think this would have been necessary whether I was 100 or 200 lbs...I still have not lost the weight from either of my pregnancies, and although I really want to, with having 2 small children, I can't seem to get it done. And now my husband and I are thinking of adidng 1 more final addition to our family. We'll see...
I'm 31, 28 weeks pregnant and at 294 lbs right now. I started out at 280. this is my second birth. With my son I was 275 to start, then lost some, then went up to 283, then came out of the hospital weighing 270! It was an awesome way to lose 5 lbs! har har har
Anyways, I love reading your posts and will gladly share some pictures too. Maybe I'll turn my blog space into being about my birthing ..
Thank You so much. I want a baby so bad, but I'm scared about the health risks to me and my baby from being morbidly obese. What do you think?
im nicole from tennessee and pregnant with my first child at age 39. i weigh 300 pounds and doctors always said i would never be pregnant well i am having a wonderful pregnancy and couldn't be happier . please email me at nikki6055@yahoo.com
I'm wondering if you would still like some photos of pregnancy and/or births? I have been taking a lot of pictures this time with my pregnancy. This is will be my 4th boy and 10th pregnancy. As a plus-size woman, I was worried about my belly being "perfect" and "round" too. I started out this pregnancy weighing in around 240lbs. Now, at 28 weeks, I'm 256lbs @ 5'5". With this baby, I've been wearing maternity clothes since 8 weeks along because my belly is so big. All 3 of the births with my boys were at 39 weeks and 100% vaginal. No forceps, no vaccuum. There is always hope for us bigger women to give birth naturally and have big ole' baby bumps. Our bellies may not be perfectly round, but you know what? They're OUR baby bumps and that's what makes them perfect!!! I'd love to share my photos if anyone would like to see them. Just email me at gonnabeamomof4@yahoo.com if you're interested! :)
I just found your site recently and I am finding it hugely useful, if nothing else for my nerves and ego. I have a few of the pictures you mentioned here if you are still interested. I'm pregnant with our 5th, all 4 were vaginal and this is going to be my 2nd home birth. I'm smaller than some of these women but still "morbidly obese" by medical standards. If nothing else, thanks for your facts and figures (so to speak) in many of these blog entries.
I am soooo happy to find your blog! I am surprised to be 8 weeks along. I am in the morbidly obese category myself, startin out at 220. This is my 2nd and my first I never thought I had a pretty pregnant belly, as another person said, I just looked fatter. I need to remember that this is who I am, a big girl. God chose my body to put a baby inside of and I'm going to grow it with as much love as I can! Thank you!
I am 14 weeks pregnant and currently weigh 262 lbs. I am actually losing weight(10 lbs so far) but I seriously worry about not looking pregnant like smaller women do. I am willing to post pics,for other overweight women like myself, at any point in my pregnancy! I know I am curious at what other women my size look like through all different stages of their pregnancy not just the last few months.
Hey I'm 21 And 26weeks With My Second Child I'm 297 Pounds And Proud Off It I Have A Large Bump That People Notice Now And Its Great Coz I'm Not Just Fat Anymore I'm Fat And Preggers Lol Dont Be Ashamed Embrace It xxx
I am 27 and 17 weeks along with my second child... a girl and my first was a boy:) . I have had a previous c-section due to Group B strep. I have a lower belly that sags a bit because of the surgery. I have had a bump in my lower belly since I was 10 weeks and it has gotten bigger. I was told it was because with second or subsequent pregnancies, you can show more, faster, or your bump could be larger because of lax uterine muscles. Either way I am 265 lbs and I have felt my baby move about 7 times now. My husband even felt her kick twice. I hate that people on here say "I just look Fat." It makes me so sad. I hear myself say it too. I am, from this day forward, not ever saying that (while creating life!) ever again. Baby bellies- at any size are beautiful and we should all remember- size 2 or 32- not everyone can conceive and carry to term- we should be proud and not let society make us feel bad for what we look like!
I was 200lbs when I got pg with my first, 247 with my second, 235 with my 3rd, and 294 with my 4th. No high blood pressure, no gestational diabetes. Healthy, happy babies! My weight had no negative effects on my pregnancies.
I am 22 and my husband and I are trying to concieve. After we made the desicion to have a baby, I started looking around on the internet and in pregnancy books, and I became absolutely TERRIFIED that my weight would cause problems with my baby. I weigh 328 and am 5'6, btw, healthy, no current medical conditions. I got so upset thinking that if my baby was born with a birth defect or was stillborn, it would be my fault because i was being selfish and didnt loose weight before trying to concieve. However, after reading some of the comments from you ladies, I am feeling a little better about the whole situation:) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
I wish I looked as Pregnant as the 'Birth is life' blogger. I am 28 weeks and look the same (at lease from my view) as the day I got pregnant. I have a BMI of 41. Not to complain too much but its not fair when a skinnier girl then me is fawned over because her belly is big, and she is less far along then me. Maybe I have not found the section in your blog yet about this, but Why is there such a range in how women look when pregnant, OTHER then the obesisty facter?
Hello all,
Thanks so much for you blog. Its really given me a perspective I needed. Its amazing the support there is just with this blog.
I too want to get pregnant now and I weigh as of yesterday 303lbs. I am afraid and hopeful. I have started a weight loss regimen several times and have lost, then gained then lost.
I try to eat healthy. I am active. I have a daughter who is almost 3 years old and she is the most happy, healthy wonderful daughter anyone could dream of. I bike, i workout and I play and run and have fun with my daughter in spite of my weight!
She was born vaginally and I had no complications with my pregnancy and birth (despite having issues with bipolar disorder) I have gained weight since having her. I was 240lbs when I got pregnant with her, 274lbs when I had her and quickly lost is all when she was born, then gained it all back and then some after suffering a long depression a year after she was born.
While it wasn’t an easy road with the depression, I wouldn’t change it anyway! She is everything to us.
We are ready for baby number 2 now. Everything in our lives is saying its time. My daughter was born to be a big sister and I so want give our family what its longing for. We have decided to start trying despite not losing the 60lbs I set out to lose at the beginning of the year.
I am convinced I can do this. I am seeing my primary care provider Thursday and I am SO SO SO nervous!
We want another baby so bad. Wish us luck and thanks to all who have posted out there. Its amazing to hear others stories of hope!
I have a photo from the day I went into labor with my daughter! I would love to share it! I didnt see where to send or upload photos. Did I miss it?
Thank so much!
Hello ladies:)
This site has given me more hope:) Im 24yrs and Ive been ttc for the past six months, just finished clomid 50mg and no ovulation:( I always think because of my weight I cant get pregnant,and Ive been having baby blues lately:( well I am more hopeful just reading the success stories on here:)
Where to start??? Well let me first say thank you to everyone who contributes to the discussions here because you have all given me more hope than I had a week ago!
I am 36yrs old,have a 22yr old son and just found out a week ago I am around 6wks pregnant. Shocked to say the least because I truly believed I couldnt get pregnant because it had been so many years,but I guess miracles do happen.
I am 5'7', 315 lbs and Type 2 diabetic with pretty uncontrolled sugars. I was on numerous pills and have now been switched to 8units of Lantus although that will be increased as it is not helping enough.I also have sciatica and if that isnt bad enough I broke my tailbone 3yrs ago and it never healed correctly so that causes tremendous back pain which ofcourse I had to stop the pain killers.
I am very scared of misscarriage,birth defects,C-Section,etc, however as I mentioned in the beginning I now have hope.It's so great to know that I am not alone,as I really thought I was being so heavy and pregnant.....
This is for anonymous August, 2011. Well I was on infertility meds and my hubby and I tried to have a baby for 12 years. But no luck! Due to me have psos. Then out of no were I became pregnant in 2009. And didn't know it until I was 9 weeks pregnant. I found this out when I had flare up in my intestines, and was given a pregnancy test in the ER. And I weighted 240 lbs at the time. I gained 30lbs during the pregnancy. And it took me a year and 2months to lose the weight. I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant . And with this being say continue to have hope. Cause I had given up on getting pregnant. And we adopted a little boy that was 15months. He now five and now I am 40 with 2 children and one on the ways. So believe that miracle can happen. Ivie 40
I grew up skinny. Had a child at 16, who is a happy, healthy 14.5 year old. I got really sick in 1998 and went on 15 days on and 10 days off Prednizone cycles. for a whole year!! Needless to say, I got very big, very fast!! My body went on strike!! I had no period for over 5 years, and when they resumed, they were very speratic. My now ex-husband and I had been trying to concieve for the whole 8 years we were together.We got pregnant a few times, but, almost as soon as we found out, I'd lose the pregnancy. I remarried 4/17/2011 to my best friend of 10 years...low and behold! 31 years old, 245 lbs., and married for less than 2 months, and we are PREGNANT!! we are now 12 weeks along!!(I've only made it to week 6 since my son)I was very worried when I went to my first Dr. appt. because of the weight issue. Low and behold- my Dr. is very understanding and professional. However-my advice for all other plus-sized moms-to-be...if your dr. is rude about your weight, find a new one...you need a SUPPORT SYSTEM now, not another bully
After I found out I was pregnant, I did a google search to try to figure out if I would have that adorable baby belly when I got further along, because I've always been on the bigger side. Technically obese, according to my BMI for my age and height, but not TOO fat and definitely not skinny. (Size 16, which for a girl my age and height, is big). I'm 28 weeks now and just found this blog and I wish I had found it sooner. However, I DO have that adorable baby belly I wanted so badly. And I've never felt better about my body. I imagine that's going to change after I give birth, which is what I'm worried about. My doctor keep telling me I need to slow down, I've already gained all the weight I'm supposed to, but I can't help it. I'm hungry all the time and I try to eat healthy, I really don't know how I'm supposed to NOT gain weight during pregnancy. But this post makes me feel better. Thank you.
I'm almost 17 weeks pregnant and fat. I am so stressed all the time - we went to fertility doctors who said I'd never get pregnant because I'm obese, and if I do the babies will probably miscarry ... I promptly fell pregnant 3 times without their help - but I've not been able to carry to term. I hate the doctor for putting this horrible thought in my mind, and worse, I feel that somehow my fat suffocated my kids and its my fault, even though I know this is not true. I can't get excited because I'm so scared of the pain if something goes wrong again.
This website is a blessing, somewhere to go to where I can just be normal and another of those skinny little things enjoying their bump, without all the stupid fears skinny people place in the heads of fat people.
I've never been ashamed of myself or my body, never felt the urge to conform... so HAH world, I'm fat, pregnant and PROUD!!!
I'm sorry people have been making you feel like this.
Have you ever read up about PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome? I've been doing a series on this lately; it can make miscarriage more common. Often, it's quite treatable.
You may not have this at all, but it's something to consider.
Best wishes and sticky thoughts to you.....WRM
I am plus sized and trying to get pregnant....I just am afraid what people will think of me when I do get pregnant....I am 240 pounds right now...have lost around 75 pounds and gained 20...due to female issues...but the hardest part about being plus sized is finding clothes...now I am looking into plus sized maternity wear, but am not having much luck...any tips? I believe, that pregnancy and birth is amazing....why shy away from it just because we aren't all a size 2?
Seeking advice. Three months ago I left my boyfriend. Since then I had one light period then nothing. Nothing since before halloween. At first I didn't worry about it. Then, though I am obese, I started gaining weight in my lower belly. But have only gain about two pounds. I have also noticed a strange fluttering in my stomach. Thinking it maybe gas I took a few gasez. But it had no effect. I have never been pregnant before, and I dont want to freak out but I was wondering if anyone had similar bleeding early but then turned out to be pregnant.
Heather, there is such a thing as "implantation bleeding." It can look like a really light, brief period. Or some women experience periodic bleeding and spotting during the first trimester.
However, you might also simply be experiencing skipping periods as part of PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome, and this light bleeding you saw was simply breakthrough bleeding...not a real period at all. I'm in the middle of a series on PCOS; you might want to click on the category of PCOS on the LH side of the blog and see if the symptoms there sound familiar to you.
Have you taken a home pregnancy test yet? At this point, that seems indicated so you can figure out what's going on. If you really want to be sure, go into a clinic and get a quantitative hCG test, which will give you a lot more information.
Best wishes for finding your answers. If you are not pregnant but still not experiencing periods, please be sure to read up on PCOS.
I'm 17 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I started 5'9 and 377 lbs. I now weight 362 lbs. I carry a lot of weight in my stomach area. I've come to accept (sadly) that my bump will come later. But I'm just dying to know how much later? I guess I just feel like I need to have the bump to have the baby. Plus, I work with 90% men and I swear I can feel then looking for my bump. Can someone with similar measurements to mine please tell me when, if ever, they finally got their bump?
Im glad I found this site.Im an OBESE woman that doesnt have kids and probally never will.Im about to turn 30 and my husband will be 50 later on this yr so weve been trying to concieve for the last 6yrs!When we first met I was about 60lbs less than I am at my current weight.Ive always had AF problems and at 15 had to be on BC to regulate my system.Over the last 2yrs or so AF has been crazy and ive talked to drs about it and they wont do any testing because of my weight!I feel they shouldnt treat me any different than any other woman they treat.Regardless of weight a woman should have the same options as everyone else.Ive really found this website to be a positive source to me.It give me hope to just keep trying and keep faith it will happen!
RI Wife, you need to check into the possibility of PCOS, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. This can cause your cycles to be all messed up, can cause difficulty in getting pregnant, and a whole host of other issues.
However, it can be treated. Most women with PCOS can have children, though for some it may involve fertility treatment. Doesn't happen for all, mind, but it does for many. Medication, herbs, exercise, acupuncture and/or nutritional modifications can help.
Please click on the category of "PCOS" on my blog and start reading up more on PCOS. It will also have links to further sites for more information, and I'll have more posts on it in the future too.
This blog is very empowering and has made me realize how much of an idiot i have been the past week since finding out i'm 5 weeks pregnant with my second child.
i'm 5'4" and weigh 162 (on a good day) 164 (all other days) this is the heaviest i have ever been and i'll take the blame for the weight gain (at the begining of last year i weighed 135) because last year was one for the books as i lost my father in january, my husband recieved a job offer that moved us to a new place, we opened a small store, husband lost his job & we closed the store.. adding up to that, we've been late on bills this year already and are just now getting to pay them with the help of our tax refund. (never thought it'd feel so great to pay bills!) and we're currently stressed about whether or not we'll be moving once again. needless to say, i'm to blame for the weight gain but so is the stress.. either way, gaining as much as i have hasn't been great. factor in november of last year, i had a miscarriage. devastating. i channeled some emotional eating habits.
so here it is feb 2012 (almost march) and i just took two hpt monday for the heck of it (well my period was late) and they both immediately turned positive. i'm about 5 weeks as i mentioned above..
i've been looking online for support of sorts. i'm not huge, but i have a belly on me and i have cellulite by the load full. pregnancy bloat has taken over and i can barely wear my jeans now.. my tops alre too snug for my liking..they accentuate my gut, i really just look like a chunk instead of being pregnant thus early on..
i guess my biggest fear is that my hbp will rear its ugly head again as it did with my first.. i need some support to walk and be motivated this pregnancy - i think i've found it.
pregnancy is truly beautiful on every woman no matter the size of color of their skin. i just need to imprint that on my brain.
i'm not sure if you're interested in them but i will be taking pictures this pregnancy as i did my last....
i'm not plus sized, but i'm a size 12 pushing a 14 at this point.
I was sooo happy to find this blog since all I keep hearing is about being fat (not in those words) and how high risk I am. I am now 11 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins. I am 32, about 5'2 and now 293lbs. I was ecstatic to see pics and would be happy to send some after I progress a little in my pregnancy. Keep it up, made me feel so much better to read this.
A friend linked me to your blog and when I saw the plus size pregnancy and birthing pictures I had to hold back tears. I am on the low end of the plus size scale what I call a normal fat. If I tell someone my weight I always get gasps of shock because I don't look fat. It hurts to listen to girls 70 pounds lighter than me complain about their weight and diet constantly. It almost makes you want to scream what about me ! what is wrong with me? If you are fat what the hell am I? I am 187 pounds and 5 weeks pregnant with my third child. I was 185 before I got pregnant. I land on I think a 30 or 31 on the BMI scale. I am so happy to see other women that look a little more like me. I both love and hate pregnancy magazines and books. I love them for the information and knowledge I can gain but I hate them for making me feel ugly when I should be feeling beautiful just for what my body is capable of and doing right now.
I just wanted to say thank you and how touched i am to see everyone's comments and your wonderful blog.i am 26 and i recently discovered i am pregnant (about 2 months) and i have been overly stressed about my weight(especially since i had bariatric surgery 3 years ago) and the facts are whether i like it or not i am 285lbs and 5'8. i have no friends or family that are plus size that have had kids so i have no idea what to expect myself looking like. now, thanks to your site i know. Once again, thank you your blog has touched me (or is it the hormones?... one may never know). i feel more confident and not so scared.
I'm plus sized and currently 19 weeks pregnant. I'm very open with my body and don't mind taking photos. I'm not sure if the blogger is still interested since I couldn't read into detail since I'm slightly distracted by my oldest son. I'm a scheduled c section and put to sleep so girthing photos are out. However I do plan on breastfeeding and taking lots of pictures throughout my pregnancy. Email me if you're still interested. mom102938@gmail.com
Hi! I have pregnancy photos from my past pregnancies. I am pretty sure I have pictures from my hospital birth too. I was and still am a size 18/20. At time of giving birth I was 246 lbs (I am 5' 5), if you are interested I can email you pictures! My email is hookem567@yahoo.com.
I'm so glad I found this post. I've been reading through the comments and am pretty encouraged by all the other big and beautiful mamas out there. I'm currently 20 weeks, 5'4 and 250 pounds. So, I'm big. I don't look pregnant at all, and that has been harder to handle the further along I get into the pregnancy. Ultimately what I care about is the health of my baby, not the way I look. But I feel like being able to see your pregnant belly grow and develop gives a certain amount of comfort that I simply don't have. It's good to see that even us chunky girls DO start to show. Thanks for giving me hope!
Thank you for the wonderful site. I am 28 weeks pregnant, started at about 255lbs and 5'1" - I lost about 15lbs from hyperemesis gravidum but have gained back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I had gastric bypass several years ago at 440lbs and even after the bypass we struggled to get pregnant. Docs all blamed me but infertility specialists tested me and my husband, he was infertile. After a lot of vitamins and a few minor changes to environmental toxin exposure we fell pregnant three months later. I'm fortunate that my OB has been size-supportive thus far, he really hasn't said a word aside from worrying about my initial weight loss. I am concerned though that at delivery time I may get an on-call doc instead and be forced into interventions before I am ready. I worry about this a LOT as I do have issues with developing adhesions after major surgery and a c-section would probably lead to adhesions which might impair future fertility. I appreciate this blog and the reassurance and information it provides. I'm also active in a local birth collaborative that is trying to investigate the high rate of interventions in the south TX area (which btw, is one of the fattest regions of the country - coincidence? probably not) so the info here is sometimes quite helpful in that regard. I wanted to point out a paper from the research institute I work at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2872243/ looking at the genetic/epigenetic implications of restrictive maternal diets in baboons. The take-home message is that maternal dietary restriction, even moderate, has strong (and potentially deleterious) implications for gene expression in offspring.
Hi ladies i am 22 weeks and weigh 280 I'm 5'2". I am 30 yrs old. I am super bummed that I don't have a BABY BUMP. The top part of my belly is getting bigger & Hard and the bottom is flabby. I was just wondering if/when I might show at this height/weight. Anyone close to my size have an answer for me?
I am trutly thankful to you for this cite I was told because of my weight that I won't get Pregant but I am happy to see that their are ladies out there that are plus size and having babies you guys give me so much hope. Thank you all and god bless. :-)
I am 32 years old (or will be on Thursday) and pregnant with my 3rd child. After my second daughter was born, I took her with me to my older daughter's dance class, and several women wanted to know "who's baby is that?" WhenI told them she was mine, one lady said "boy you sure hid that well!" It was very hurtful but I try not to let ignorance bother me. Both my girls were healthy, and I enjoyed my baby belly that was obvious to me.
Hi. I am 40 yrs old, diabetic, and a bit overweight. I weighed a little over 200 lbs b4 I found out I was pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant, I weighed 213. I now weigh 221. I will be 24 weeks tomorrow. Im due July 13, 2013. I have a muffin top and my actually belly hangs. Ive notice the muffin top is getting bigger. Im scared I wont have the baby bump cause my belly hangs. Everyone always feels my muffin top and I have to tell them he is in this part of my belly. So embarassing. Will I ever have the baby bump? Or will I carry low?
I am 27,5' 4", I'm 17 weeks pregnant with twins and I currently weigh about 240 lbs. This is my second pregnancy, my daughter just turned 10 months! With my first pregnancy I started out at 190 lbs and went into labor at 235 lbs. I weighed 220 lbs when I got pregnant with my twins. I'm very nervous about my appointment next week, I don't think my doctor will be too happy that I have gained 10+ lbs in a month. Oh well, as long as my babies are happy and healthy! I'm so glad to have found this page. I no longer feel alone!!!
I think the better question is not how much you've gained, but how have you been eating and exercising. If you've gained more than average because you've been eating poorly or haven't gotten any exercise, then yes, pay attention to that gain and heed it. However, if you've been eating truly well and getting regular exercise, then that's different. Don't restrict to lessen the gain. Some months women just gain more than others, esp with twins. Don't let any provider make you feel bad or guilty.
Focus on great nutrition and exercise and let your body gain what it needs to gain. Twins NEED good nutrition! If you have a care provider that places weight gain over nutrition, then you need a new provider.
Thank you so much for your blog! I am 24 weeks pregnant with our 3rd girl :) I was 288 when we got pregnant but suffered from hyperemesis and lost 20 lbs and have just gained back 10 so far. I had a great midwife with my first pregnancy 11 years ago, however I was very fit and active so no issue with weight but I developed pre eclampsia very quickly 2 weeks before I was due and had to be induced. My second pregnancy I was sick in and out of hospital the whole 9 months on bed rest for last 2 1/2 months induced 3 weeks early and ended up with unnecessary section. It was rough.
This time around I was very nervous since I am much bigger and its been 8 years since the last time around. I had such an emotional and horrible experience with the last doctor. But I have found a wonderful office that has both midwives and great doctor who does not pester about weight and truely listens to my concerns. I am having some pre eclamtic symptoms again but this doctor is really on the ball about it. I say all that to say that weight had nothing to do with my previous outcomes. I was not overweight at all with my first child and had same issues as with all my pregnancies.I do feel more empowered now than with the last one as I am a certified child birth educator now as well.
Again thank you for your wonderful blog.
I have sat here on the computer to actually google websites with women my size that are pregnant. Before I found out I was pregnant I was 198 pounds and in the process of losing 50 pounds. I was going to the gym pumping iron taking supplements and my weight increased to 215. I didn't know why I was gaining weight when I was working out and eating healthy. I thought maybe it was muscle weight. Before my husband and I were trying to conceive but after trying, with no positive result we stopped so being pregnant was the last thing on my mind...But I said to myself "What if I am pregnant". I went on base to take a test and I was. The most exciting day in my life...but I'm still in denial about gaining weignt. My fist doctor's visit I was 225 and on yesterday I weighed in at 233 and I'm only 13 weeks. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm not over-eating..not to my knowledge. But looking in baby magazines and online sites I began to get depressed because the women were all "skinny". Anyway, that you for sharing. All the post mean a lot to me. Thank you.
KH, congrats on your pregnancy. It's not unusual for women who lost a lot of weight just prior to pregnancy (or were in the process of losing it) to gain a lot of weight in pregnancy.
Continue to eat nutritiously and get regular exercise whatever the scale says. Don't let a care provider get you down or bully you into restrictive eating because of the gain; many of them don't know that it's common for those with recent losses to gain more than average. Focus on the nutrition exercise and if your caregiver gives you grief about weight gain, find a new caregiver.
Midwives are often less uptight about this than many OBs these days, although of course it varies from person to person. Best wishes on your pregnancy!
I'm 27 and 28 weeks pregnant with my first. I found your blog b/c I was feeling bad about my 18 lbs. weight gain. I started at 247 now 264, this blog has made me feel so much better. Thank you.
I had an abortion over year ago because I'm 5 ft 3 in and then weighed 283 lbs, my heaviest. I had toxemia at age 19 with firSt pregnancy and weighed 256 at the time. I got scared and had a pill abortion because of my weight, it was my 2nd one. Had one in 2004 for the same weight related fears
MsEpic, I'm so sorry you had such a scary experience with your first pregnancy. Toxemia (Pre-eclampsia) is indeed a scary thing and I don't blame you for wanting to avoid it.
However, toxemia/PE is most common in first pregnancies and often does not repeat in other pregnancies. It is still a risk, of course, but it's not a guarantee. There's also some research that baby aspirin might help reduce the risk for PE/toxemia in future pregnancies in those at higher risk. Something to discuss with a provider if you decide you are ready to continue a pregnancy someday.
You might also want to be tested for thrombophilia (various blood clotting problems), as this can also lead to a pre-disposition towards toxemia/PE.
Weight itself is not the biggest risk factor. It does increase your risk for PE/toxemia, but I'm your size and I never had this complication at all, not in four pregnancies (and all at older ages too). Don't let weight alone keep you from having children if you want them. Consider the whole picture.
If you do decide to proceed with a pregnancy someday, talk with a provider pre-conception about positive things you can do to lower your risk. Healthy eating, exercise of course, but perhaps also low-dose aspirin or other blood thinning options. Increased folic acid if you have Factor V Leiden (blood clotting issue). If you have blood pressure issues, then the correct BP med is important as well.
Hugs to you for your difficult experiences. Remember that if you become ready to have a full-term pregnancy, there are things you can do to be proactive about your health. There are never any guarantees, of course, but many women of your size have had healthy pregnancies and babies.
I am 26 very healthy and active. I had my first child my daughter on 3/10/11. I was 140 when I first got pregnant and ballooned to 233 when I had her. All my weight was in my belly. From behind I didnt even look pregnant but from a profile of front faced I was a giant torpedo belly. I lost all the weight I gained (I gain weight slow and loose it super fast) by thr time she was 4months old. Found out I was 18 weeks pregnant with my son when she was 6 months old. I was 165 when first pregnant with him and 184 at delivery. Now my son will be 3 june 17th and im about 4-5 weeks along with my hopefully 3rd and final baby. I've since gained 25 of the 53#s I lost this past winter. Right now im at 216#s and im about 5'5-5'6 I've always carried weight well and look more like 175 or so. Im just worried that since my son was born c-section how my belly will look due to some minor sagging in my lower abdomen. I've never been this heavy as a start weight and having very mixed feelings. Right now im in a size 14/15. I've always been endowed since I was very young. I currently am a 44FF or G depending on the make. Bras I get already have ti be custom ordered thru my fav lane Bryant. Needless to say this blog has been such a help. As stated early finding it nearly impossible finding pictures of women over a size 10 being pregnant especially with twins which I believe i may be carrying since my stomach is double in size in the past two weeks it went from flat (slight sagging) to how I looked at 4months. I have severe fatigue eating way more than ever pregnant or not and my breast are a lot larger and nipples already very sore. Kinda worried as before with my daughter some spotting and light pink to a slightly dark red very light bleeding the past 48 hours I believe due to my period supposed to be here on the 7th or 8th. And as before "implantation bleeding" is more likely but nonetheless seeing as how I caught this pregnancy early I cant really find a doctor to do an ultrasound. Fingers crossed we there its one baby or two I'm happy just a bit nervous. This baby was a total surprise amidst a chaotic time in my life that has now renewed my sense of self and that despite all the bad going on I can still be and am always very blessed. ♡♥♡
This is the boost and helpful thing I have been searching for. I just found out that I am 8 weeks pregnant, my first. I haven't yet gone to the doctors, hopefully by next week. I'm 24 I'm 5"5 and I weight 235lbs. I'm nervous about what my body will go through with this pregnancy. I'm not in the best of shape. The last thing I need is a doctor telling me that I'm fat and blah blah blah babbling about my weight. Will this give me problems down the road? What should I look for? I'm so glad I found this site. I'll take pictures and such. I don't see why not. :)
I just found your blog. Im 19 yrs old 5'6 I started my pregnancy at 230 lbs im am now 19 weeks and 4 days and weight is now 250 lbs my appointment was on friday and ever since then my doctor was really sweet and nice to me ive gained 20 lbs so far. She was nice and sweet about it though. Other then my weight im healthy but ever since my appointment I find myself stress and worried and just not enjoying my pregnancy how I want to. I feel guilty when I eat and I dont want to feel like that. I do have a baby bump I do feel fluttering in my stomach can be my baby girl moving im not sure this is ny first pregnancy… I guess I need words of encouragement that everything will be fine I just dony want to be drilled about my weight during a happy monent in my life. Last yr I had a miscarriage and this yr I got pregnant unexpectedly and I want to enjoy it without being drilled HELP?
Email jassyybooxoxo@gmail.com
Beautiful ladies. Pregnancy have made them even more beautiful.
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