
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all! Here is some mother-child artwork in honor of this day. Hope you had a wonderful day with your families.

Artist: Mary Cassat
May you treasure your time with your children. Be with them as much as you can.

Artist: Diego Rivera
Embrace the now, for all too soon, your children will be all grown up. It will go by in a heartbeat, I promise you.

Artist: David Foggie
Your parenting season feels long at times when you are in the middle of it, but when you near the end of it, it feels like it was the most brief moment in time. Be sure you take time to enjoy it as you go.

Artist: Albert Anker
Live into each moment, as deeply as you can. You will never get it back.

Haitian birth, artist unknown
Deepest gratitude to those who attend women in their pregnancies and births, and who help them through it with respect and care.

Photo from Amnesty International
You make such a difference to so many, in ways you may not realize for a long time.

Extra hugs to those whose own mothers are no longer living or in their lives. Special loving to those whose have lost children through adoption, miscarriage, stillbirth, or death at any age. We honor your pain. You and your experiences matter too. You are loved.

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