
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Treasure This Time Together

Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope you are having a wonderful, happy holiday with your families!

Travel safely, and don't let the stress of travel or preparations impede the enjoyment of your time together. Focus on the important things in the season, not the passing unimportant ones.

Treasure every moment with your loved ones. Life changes quickly; savor your time with your family and friends now because you never know who won't be with you next year. Overlook their quirks where you can, humor or avoid the more challenging folks, forgive where you can, and appreciate people's good qualities as much as possible. Count your blessings and give thanks for the people you love.

Reach out to family and friends you don't know that well so you can build those relationships if possible. Family can be trying sometimes, but they do matter. When they are gone, you never get them back. Make the extra effort to reach out and make connections. Take a chance; you never know what kind of special relationship or memories you might be missing.

Shower love and appreciation on those who matter most. Remember that this time in the children's development will never come again, so take lots of pictures of everyone (including yourself) and spend as much time as you can just being with them and having fun together. It's not about what you are doing, it's about doing it together and making those memories.

Treasure your time together, and cherish your loved ones. Honor the sacredness of the season. Find the joy and hold it close to your heart.

Have a wonderful holiday; the blog will resume after some holiday family time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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