
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thanks a Million!

Image from Wikimedia Commons

Just wanted to take a time-out from my normal posts to note that we just passed a MILLION page-views to the blog!  Wooo-hooo!!

I know, a pittance compared to some sites, and many hits are no doubt spam or quick searches with no real interest in the site. But even so, a million page views is pretty amazing to me.  Not bad for four years!

In the beginning, of course, I had very few visitors.  Slowly I built readership up to around 20,000 per month.  Then, two years ago, things really expanded.  Now I average around 1500 page views per day, and between 45,000 to 50,000 per month.  Unbelievable.  And I rarely even promote the site on other blogs or in social media!  The power of the internet, I guess.

I've taken a little break recently from pregnancy-related stuff, focusing more on some parenting-related issues and fun stuff.  However, don't worry, I have many pregnancy-related items and weight-related things in the works, plus a return to the PCOS series soon.  These are the things closest to my heart, but they do take a lot of research and time to complete, so I fit in some easier stuff now and then. Plus, sometimes I just like to vary my focus anyhow! Keeps things fresh.

But now's your chance to give a little feedback to the blog.  What do you like best, and what do you hope to see more of?  In your opinion, what's the most important stuff to cover?  I can't promise I'll change my posting habits too much, but it is helpful to hear what folks need/want most.  Helps me prioritize my time.

Thank you, readers, for all your pageviews, recommendations, links to the blog and links my other website,  I appreciate you all.  I don't get to reply to all my emails anymore (one of the downsides of a well-read blog is having too many emails to answer each one personally), but I absolutely read every single email.  I try to fit in what I can, but as a working mom with four children, I can't always get to every one.  My apologies.

Still, I hope the blog has been useful to you.  It's certainly been a pleasure and an honor for me to write this blog and interact with my readers.

Thanks a MILLION, y'all!  See you after the next million!

The Well-Rounded Mama

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Sounds wary, but I'd like to read a post against medicines used off label as weight loss medicines.

    I say that because many people can be tempted to use medicines off label for the sake of weight loss. It can be very dangerous, and it's not acknowledged enough on the fat acceptance blogsphere.

    I take Ritalin for ADHD, and I can tell you that some jerk doctors asked me if I take Ritalin in order to lose weight. I weight 42-43 kilos for 1.52m, and I have no reason to take Ritalin in order to lose weight. Count that here, only a specialist in neurology, psychiatry or sleep medicine at hospital can prescribe you Ritalin.
    Okay, stimulants are appetite suppressants, but they must not use as weight loss medicines because of its serious side effects (cardiac, can trigger psychotic symptoms to some people, can change the way liver works...).
    Use Ritalin if you need it to treat a chronic condition like ADHD or narcolepsy, but not as a weight loss medicine.

    How many people are tempted to take medicines off label in order to lose weight ?
